Source Code

abstract hip-hop / nerd rap

The brainier styles of an otherwise much-hated music genre.
These only use mixes, or scratch techniques.

Madvillian... oh, who else? I gotta go check my fav-list..be backies in a jiffy!

by hytham_hammer July 10, 2005

28๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Spiritually Abstract

1.Unique, Different, Spiritual, Authentic, Original

2.Spiritually Abstract Art/Music
3.A Indie (independent)

music artist Songwriter named

Mason Albert Papay

Whom Mixes, Master's, Engineer's, Produce's and Publish's his own music. Born 01/14/1995

(No Genre)

#No Labels

"Let's Go see Spiritually Abstracts' Performance (Aka. Live show)"
"That Music/Art Is Spiritually Abstract"
"That song is Produced by, Spiritually Abstract"

by Golden Dawn Silver Dusk September 2, 2023

Post-Nut Abstraction

A form of Post-Nut clarity, but so severe that it can lead to long term depression, self harm and even death by suicide.

After jimmy finished wanking off to his gay furry porn, he experienced severe Post-Nut Abstraction. In a blind fit of rage he ran downstairs, grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed himself 10 times.

by princelothric March 11, 2024

Kinger's Abstracted Wife

Queenie: she literally looks like a PP when she abstracted.

Anyway, it's a black PP with rainbow eyes.

It's rare to be born with a black PP called "Kinger's Abstracted Wife"

by ThomasBloxia October 8, 2024

Poetic Abstraction

'Poetic Abstraction' is a term that coined for a style of contemporary abstraction painting which conceptually break from tradition and the past, to then recognize the present, and thus gain the power to move on to the future. The concept of 'poetic abstraction' combines Sijo ( a distinctive Korean poem format), the Korean traditional color schemes of Oh Bang Saeg and Oh Gan Saeg, and the concept of Han (the Korean interpretation of a historically particular, innate bittersweet sorrow emotion). The viewer can release their negative emotions and sublimate to happiness and jubilance through abstract paintings.

This painting's concept is poetic abstraction.

With this poetic abstracted painting, I could release my negative emotions and found my inner peace.

I could make my own poem with this painting.

by artmaryworld April 1, 2020


It's math. Abstraction and math are the same thing.

Hym "Math is the architecture of abstraction in written form. Math is derived from abstraction. I do a lot of abstraction and... I don't need to know the math if the person reading already does" ๐Ÿ˜‰

by Hym Iam July 21, 2023

Fix your own life before doing anything abstract

"Stay trapped in your solipsistic sphere of influence so I can wield the horde at my discretion and influence politicians and public policies even though I'm a charlatan who had a mental breakdown after obfuscating whether or not I believed in God and publicly denied a plea for help and a genius deconstructed my propositional ethic and demonstrated publicly that I'm full of shit" ~ Dr. Jordan Benazir Peterson

Dr. JeepJorp "Fix your own life before doing anything abstract."

Hym "Nothing to fix. The only thing wrong with my life is that I'm not being given the credit I'm due. And that's a matter of other people violating the tenets of THEIR propositional ethic to deny me."

by Hym Iam August 19, 2023