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1. Any person who also uses twitter can be described as “twitter-adjacent” to you

2. Common language to describe your non affiliation with someone famous on social media

3. The relationship all of us elder millennials had with Tom on MySpace.

Example 1:

Uh uh! Watch out that mf’er is crazy. Wait to he gets all obsessed with you cause you two are twitter-adjacent! “

Example 2:

Me: “Girl, i love Chris Lake! Like, i get turned on just being twitter-adjacent to him.”

Girl: ”You so crazy!

by Bareback Banshee August 7, 2024

Homeless Adjacent

Describing one who is not without a home, but likes to act as if they are
ie.: •sometimes lives in the car out of choice, not obligation

•enjoys spending time at odd, anonded buildings, parks, etc

•works a job that is ordinarily accepted by society, but would rather pretend that they don’t

I love my best friend, but sometimes I have to remind her that she’s a contributing member of society with a house and husband, and a regular 9 to 5. And that even though she likes to sleep in her car and busk on the street asking people for money, she’s not actually homeless. She’s just homeless adjacent.

by itsanavocadoothanksssssss January 10, 2023

Lifestyle Adjacent

Is how a person or persons define themselves when they enjoy or practice everything about a certain lifestyle, except the main reason said lifestyle is created for or based on.

I really enjoy the openness, sexy atmosphere and free vibes hanging around swingers, yet I/we just don't partake in having sex with others. I/we consider ourselves Lifestyle Adjacent

I love the restaurants, the excitement, the sound and everything high end casinos offer, I just don't gamble. I am Lifestyle Adjacent.

The formula one circuit is amazing, the luxury, the mystery, the display of raw power, I just don't care about the races.

by December 16, 2023

Purpose Adjacent

To be adjacent to purpose. The ability to be constantly seeking purpose that's consistently there.

He thought he had veered away from his goals/dreams, but all along he was purpose adjacent.

by Titan Capri October 18, 2019

Racist Adjacent

An individual who while not directly exhibiting racist tendencies themselves, can oftentimes be found championing, befriending, and socializing with those who do.

Donald Trump isn't a racist, he's just racist adjacent.

by Left Briggity October 26, 2020

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a term to describe if something looks good on you

“those new balances aren’t drip-adjacent” or
“those ain’t adjacent to my drip

by andre sparks August 19, 2024

closet adjacent

A male who displays homosexual tendancies, but still has sex with women.

Don: "Hey. Have you met that Johnny kid? That guys seems pretty gay."
Ray: "Yeah, but he's banging my sister, so maybe he's closet adjacent."

by Nicholas Pappermen May 22, 2011