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spongebob will be aluminum can

he will be aluminum can on january 28, 2014

demarcus: did you hear spongebob will be aluminum can?
demarcus 2: no

by demarcus1 July 16, 2023


The anion of Aluminium. Aluminium has 13 protons, 14 neutrons, and 13 electrons. While Aluminium becomes isoelectronic with Neon (Ne), Aluminum IS isoelectronic to Argon (Ar). Aluminum is made with Aluminium gains 5 electrons and becomes an anion.

Bappo the Inflatable Clown: How many electrons does Aluminum have
Ted Bundy: 18 Electrons!
John Wayne Gacy: 13, because it has 13 protons. Aluminum will lose 3 electrons to become isolectronic with Neon.
Bappo the Inflatable Clown: John youre retarted, Aluminium is isoelectronic with Neon, Aluminum on the other hand is isoelectronic with Argon, ratio bitch.

by Knmagor December 4, 2023


Aluminum is NOT a metal in fact, it is just a bendy type of hard paper a lot of people may consider it as a metal but the answer is no, aluminum is not a metal.

Person 1: I can’t believe people actually think Aluminum is actually metal!
Person 2: I know right there is some dumb people out there

by Goathugger123 June 18, 2022

Aluminum Galinstan amalgam plus Palladium on Carbon

Aluminum Galinstan amalgam plus Palladium on Carbon is Aluminum Galinstan amalgam (25g to 100g Aluminum + 100g Galinstan) plus 500mg of Palladium on Carbon is something that can be used for an alternative to toxic Aluminum Mercury amalgam for reductive amination. Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone and Methylamine in Ethanol in a Carbon Dioxide inert atmosphere can be reduced to Propylhexedrine (Cyclohexyl-2-AminoPropane) and filter 90% of the Aluminum Hydroxide Ethanol water Propylhexedrine solution through a Buchner funnel with Zeolite careful not to spill over Palladium Galinstan amalgam, then add everclear to the remaining 10% in the round bottom flask, then filter 90% and you got 99% of Propylhexedrine ethanol water solution. Dry with Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate, filter through Buchner funnel, pour in a beaker, then bubble dry HCl gas through the Propylhexedrine freebase to acid salt (Acid Salting) the Propylhexedrine into Propylhexedrine HCl salt. Palladium Galinstan is reusable for Aluminum Palladium Galinstan amalgam reductive amination.

Tony: I used Aluminum Galinstan amalgam plus Palladium on Carbon to synthesize Propylhexedrine from Cyclohexyl-2-Propanone Methylimine. Al/GaInSn + Pd/C . Al/Pd/GaInSn . Alternative to Al/Hg .

by HawaiianPunch1 October 12, 2024

Aluminum predator

Aluminum iron-man but a child predator

Tyler a well known pedophile is a Aluminum predator

by Hellhound77 February 6, 2024

The Aluminum predator

Is basically Ironman but a child predator

Tyler is The Aluminum predator

by Hellhound77 January 31, 2024

Aluminum Noodle

Putting Ramen noodles in the microwave without water, then pulling it out, filling it with water but leaving the packet in the bowl also.

Man, I asked my mom to make me dinner, right, and she goes and makes me some aluminum noodles! She can't cook.

by BrownsauceYUH! February 22, 2012