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quasi- intellectual

A person who is sort of intelligent- literal word meaning.

Could be easily confused with pseudo- intellectual or intelligence, which is someone who acts like they know a lot when actually they know very little or nothing at all . Much like tree pipers definition for quasi intellectual. A pseudo intellectual could very likely be quasi intelligent.

Ex. brian is great at thinking deep and has some great ideas but he can't defend his arguements if people get into the details (facts, science, other logic, etc). Brian is a quasi- intellectual.

by Bigzerka July 6, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


People whom beleive they are extremely intelligent and desire everyone to know it. In actuallity they are generally ignorant and close minded.

Those psuedo-intellectuals have some terrible definitions for slang terms on urbandictionary.com.

The way that art major was carrying on about how I didn't know that peice was post impressionist, you would think they were a psuedo-intellectual.

by DJ December 24, 2003

94๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pseudo-intellectuals are people of average intelligence who are enchanted with highly intellectual topics and discussions such as philosophy, socioeconomics, destiny of humanity, etc.

Unlike a genuine academic, a pseudo-intellectualโ€™s main reason for being interested in these topics is because it makes him feel intellectually superior to his peers. He usually despises main stream culture, accuses those who disagree with him as being ignorant, and when his ideas are challenged, he often retaliates with โ€œThatโ€™s a straw man argument!โ€

Pseudo-intellectuals can often be found in political discussion boards on the internet, patronizing boutique shops, participating in various Anti-something rallies, sitting on a parkโ€™s bench during a weekend afternoon and playing a guitar, or spending eight consecutive years in college trying to earn a B.A degree in political science or philosophy.

Jim: Who is that asshole that sits in the back of the class in American History and pisses off the professor all the time?

Amy: Oh, thatโ€™s Mark. Heโ€™s one of those pseudo-intellectuals.

by Edgardo February 2, 2007

735๐Ÿ‘ 179๐Ÿ‘Ž


Refers to two types of individuals:

1) Someone who lacks knowledge, but who tries to compensate by pretending to be very smart, by carrying around impressive looking books on science, math, literature, and related subjects. May also wear a trendy, sophisticated pair of eyeglasses.

For the most part, this type is harmless.

2) Someone who has a serious personality disorder. These types derive a great deal of pleasure by "enlightening" others with their "brilliance" and "wit".

Their primary method of operation is to use irony and sarcasm to taunt those who they believe do not live up to their standards. Virtually every word out of their mouth is some unnecessary, smartass remark.

They lack the ability to have a genuine, sincere conversation with anyone. Instead of having a healthy, balanced, back-and-forth exchange, they pontificate and talk down to those who have the misfortune of not escaping the room before they walk in.

It is a waste of time to point out to these disturbed individuals that their behavior is obnoxious, as they will inform you that you simply lack the ability to understand their "superior" view of the world.

Basically, it's someone who thinks that being an argumentative wiseass somehow makes them cultured and fun to be around, and that shouting at the rain and being disagreeable for the sake of being disagreeable somehow makes them substantive.

Me: "I think I'd like some barbecue sauce with my chicken nuggets."

Pseudo-intellectual: "What part of the chicken does the nugget come from, and are the chickens free range, and is the barbecue sauce the same red color as the blood that runs through the streets of Baghdad because of the evil American capitalism and imperialism that empowers greedy coporations such as McDonald's to exist?!"

Me: "Shut up, you delusional pseudo-intellectual."

by Mike_29 August 16, 2009

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Intellectual dishonesty

Intellectual dishonesty is the advocacy of a position known to be false. An argument which is misused to advance an agenda or to reinforce one's deeply held beliefs in the face of overwhelming evidence contrary.

The terms intellectually dishonest and intellectual dishonesty are often used as rhetorical devices in a debate; the label invariably frames an opponent in a negative light. It is a round about way to say "you're lying".

The statement that all hurricanes are caused by global warming is intellectually dishonest. Stating as fact that lung cancer is unrelated to cigarette smoking is intellectual dishonesty.

by GZuz July 15, 2006

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Intellectual Property

the excuse used by the MPAA and RIAA use to legitamize the claim that they should own the world.

"shit man, i was going to download those Mp3's, but i found out they are someone else's intellectual property"

by industrialprophet.com November 17, 2002

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Hostility towards people who care about facts and education.

The mentality that truthiness satirizes.

Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." - Isaac Asimov

by JeffGannon January 6, 2012

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