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very good at antiques

Gay. Homosexual.

As coined by Baroness Knight.

Graham Norton is very good at antiques.

by adabrady June 5, 2013

antique fishtank

Pregnant grandma

Did you hear about Ben’s mom?
She got pregnant.
She’s a total antique fishtank now.

by Mrfieldhouse November 9, 2021

Instant Antique

Anything, that was the BOMB when new, but NEVER lived up to the company's expectations.

Video game consoles like the "virtual boy" or the nokia's N-Gage, might be a "good idea" in a parallel universe; but like movies on UMDs, they're only instant antiques here.

by Redsonjaoriginal October 22, 2022

Antiquated humour

The type of humour is from people born between 1945-1975. This humour has themes of iPhones, young people having entitlement, how young people don’t understand how books work, and how everyone is addicted to their phones

After my dad made a joke that I’m addicted to my phone, I told him the joke was antiquated humour

by Seth Bluman March 30, 2022

antique show

a gathering of old and/or retired persons

The VFW is such an antique show, but man those guys can party.

I got an invitation to the ultimate antique show...the AARP!

by jrcdmc June 20, 2011


A woman that is 35 years of age or younger that chooses to have sex with a man that is 60 years of age, or older.

30 year old Lucy is so tired of dealing with the B.S. of younger men, for now on she will only go Antiquing.

by Bam068 June 3, 2023


When you go back to your ex for sex.

When Tiffany dumped Darrin he went right back to antiquing.

by tiff12345 November 20, 2021