Source Code

Chocolate Blowie

Promptly after having anal sex you DEMAND a blow-job from the girl.

After O-Bombs was done having anal intercourse with a girl he demanded she lick his package clean and give him a Chocolate Blowie. He said, " It's not gonna clean its self of that but juice!" It felt amazing but her breathe stunk after wards so he kicked her out da house.

by obombs May 29, 2010

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ghastly blowie

you gettin a blow job from beyond the grave

i swear i got a ghastly blowie last night

by jacobclark123 February 8, 2018

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Bougie Blowie

An act of fellatio performed with a manual assist where the pinkies on the dominant hand remain in the culturally dictated "up" position.

She's so 1%, she even goes pinkies up when going down. Total bougie blowie queen.

by Ephemily October 10, 2017

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steak and blowie

What a bloke should get on his Birthday and Valentines day (aka Steak and Blowie day)

Didn't get me steak but....

by Mr Stretch March 4, 2005

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haffa blowie

the volume of the head plus the volume of the shaft equaling the radius of the jaw plus the volume of the mouth is haffa blowie

my mouth is so small i could only perform haffa blowie

by scribdizzle October 4, 2009

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Glowie Blowie

A blow job in which a glow-in-the-dark condom is used or glow-in-the-dark "Good Head" is used. In short, a blow job that is glow-in-the-dark.

Last night, I gave a guy a Glowie Blowie. I like things that glow-in-the-dark.

by Nasty Meyer RN August 9, 2013

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alaskan blowy

when a girl gives you a blow job and it drips in your mouth like snow.

i gave your girl and alaskan blowy last night. it dripped for a while

by tittiefucker6000 January 16, 2020

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