Title of a hypothetical English action film (starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone) in the Family Guy episode "One If By Clam, Two If By Sea". The film appears to exist only in Peter Griffin's imagination as he envisions a British subversion of the American action genre, and is a parody of the British miniseries adaptation of Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited.
"I Remember Cecil" is rather homoerotic.
40👍 5👎
The best Pixel Gun player of all time who is undefeated in one-on-one matches and has successfully conquered the game for over 6 years, he is really good in arguments too which is why he is hated in Pixel Gun community because of his skills in Pixel Gun and in arguments. Cecil is currently working hard in Call Of Duty: Mobile to become the best player.
Oh shit that's HU Cecil?! I wish I had skills like he does, he is godly holy shit.
Jesus lord everyone here is just so damn negative it’s beyond me.. I feel trapped and I need help beyond anything. Very bad location for anything. Dreams really cannot snap here and if you don’t get drunk and go to parties you’re pretty much like outta luck. You have Philly right?! That’s between Elkton and Bmore which really damn well sucks a shit ton cause all the gangs and everything within the areas already have all the bullshit going on and the juggalos that have the same fbi gang tattoo as you just say whoop whoop and do not care they just flat out back away from real damn family that has even been on tv dissing e.. lmao it’s damn crazy asf. Really crazy asf.. like so damn crazy. It’s beyond crazy. 0.0
How do I say this lmao don’t come here
Oh you mean Cecil
Don’t come here at all
Most loyal and loving person a anyone can have. You’ll be lucky to have her in your life because she’s someone you can keep and trust. Very valuable person to have in your life because she’s lucky and is always honest when you need a friend.
Cecile is known as an independent and beautiful soul. Anyone would be lucky to have her in their life.
She's from another world in good and bad ways. But I'd tell u if meet a Cecile run she's kind and gentle and all but she has this scary mystery side which u don't wanna get to know.
Anyways she's also crazy in bed that's the good Point but her mind is really messed up.
Person 1: Damn... do u know Cecile?
Person 2: no, not close but she's so kind and cute!
Person 1: no Bro she really a different breed..
1👍 2👎
She's from another world in good and bad ways. But I'd tell u if meet a Cecile run she's kind and gentle and all but she has this scary mystery side which u don't wanna get to know.
Anyways she's also crazy in bed that's the good Point but her mind is really messed up.
Person 1: Damn... do u know Cecile?
Person 2: no, not close but she's so kind and cute!
Person 1: no Bro she really a different breed..
Cecile is a girl that hasn’t got all her mind but is cute. She is the kind of girl that makes you happy when she is around but not when you are with your friends. Cecile can be weird and wait 40 minutes in the cold because she bugged. Overall she is a nice girl, a bit naïve and really really cute ( like you want nothing but hugging her). She moves too much and has nice boobs to put your hand on
-" how can she be so pretty and awkward at the same time"
-"she’s just Cecile