Source Code

the chaz

Michael Jackson's pronunciation of "the child" in the song "Billie Jean".

"Woah, bitch, the chaz ain't my squirt!"
"She says I am the one, but the chaz is not my son."

by Aaron Gantt November 10, 2006

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Super lame dude. Thinks he’s super cool but if we are honest he’s full of himself and likes to write post about himself on urban dictionary.

Wow that’s Chaz he likes to write good things about himself on urban dictionary so he can read them to girls and hope to get his dick sucked

by Suemermaid May 22, 2019

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


originated in 1869, most commonly used by the indigenous people of Finland; boner-hilloja, which of course translates to Boner Jamz.

An adjective used to describe crude and vulgar sexual acts

I was getting a sloppy chaz job and right before I was about to climax, she stuck her finger in my chaz hole, I came so hard I shot my chaz juice on the ceiling fan which created a jizznado.

by Bonerjamalumni October 27, 2017

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to be shocked, scratched or electrocuted

The man almost got chaz'd by lightning the other day.

The woman got chaz'd by a razor blade, but wasn't seriously hurt by her assailant.

by zookzook September 15, 2008

5πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A fat and improper teenager who does not care for his personal hygiene. He usually doesn't take a shower in the morning, nor does he have good manners when eating, speaking etc. Chaz enjoys video games and doesn't have much of a social life.

Tod: "Eugh dude! Don't you take a shower? Such a Chaz!"
Chaz: "Oink oink"

by 00100101 December 8, 2015

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An egotistical guy convinced he's a ladies man. See also the mythology of Narcissis.

That guys been a total Chaz all night, lets go to another bar.

by Chazwroteallthese January 16, 2017

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Verb: To walk, walking, walked. Originated from Charving

On the chaz, chazzing along, I chazzed, you chazzed.

by Helz February 2, 2005

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