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political correctness

Method by which to negate all debate and set up a dictatorship.
-While doing this they simultaneously tried to take away your 2nd amendment rights while letting criminal mafia types and gangs have them.And they did all of this while flooding your country with illegal aliens so as to firmly undermine your country's sovereignty.They made ethnic minorities killing eachother into a fad (see racist).

Liberals disguise their racism as loving tolerance and desire for equality by using political correctness to deceive us and brainwash us.Democrats and Republicans both suck and they both just lie to us and brainwash us in order to get us to go along with their plan for a new world order.Their racism should sound and alarm.

by I'm right June 1, 2006

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Energetically Correct

This mysterious sounding word is no Mystery. An energetically correct action is taken when the person doing the action, has made their best attempt to do something which benefits those around them, the world, the human species and lastly themselves. An energetically correct action is either the action which has the greatest benefit for everyone or the action which the person taking the action believes will have the greatest benefit for everyone. Attempting an energetically correct action is an attempt to take the action which will do the greatest universal good. Whether or not the attempt was successful it is still a valid effort. An energetically correct outcome is when all the pieces of the puzzle click together and an attempted correct action leads to ideal short term and long term results. While the future is difficult to predict, correct choices open better paths forward.

Doing everything you do to the best of your ability is Energetically Correct.

by IronMikey April 13, 2023

google correcting

when one corrects you by saying... 'did you mean'...

I have Lord & Taylor taste with a dollar store pock-a-book.
Friend replies w/ 'did you mean', pocketbook.
Are you google correcting me?
"Google, helping dumb people look smart on the internet since 1998".

by smpetitjean September 17, 2009

asterisk corrective

Chat-room operative used to corect a typo made in a previous post.


ChatroomTool123: There's no way that your information is corect!

ForumTroll69: Maybe you should use an asterisk corrective there, buddy.

ChatroomTool123: correct*

by trollington December 6, 2010

political correctness

using euphemistic language, often extending a word or phrase by multiple syllables, in order to rid the word or phrase of its emotional connotation esp. when applied towards words or phrases that are discriminatory in nature.

"Political correctness has resulted in not referring to individuals as cripples anymore. They are now called physically challenged."

by ubermensch85 June 14, 2015

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pitch correction

Most recently known as the "T-Pain Effect"; pitch correction is mostly used by less talented singers to maintain a false but stable singing voice.

"Did you hear the new Cher song? The pitch correction makes her sound like T-Pain."
"Did you hear the new T-Pain song? The pitch correction makes him sound like Cher."

by Cianumis June 16, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Political Correctness

Some Ranter has it spot on. See their definition.
It started out as a morally correct and rational thing, but has gone way too far, just like many things in our society.

Why dont we all just shove leashes up our arses and sow our lips together because Freedom of speech is a myth.

by Blur February 13, 2004

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