Source Code

Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change

The Name is pretty descriptive already lol


There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down

by Infrared1011 November 11, 2021

1👍 1👎

Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator

The Name is pretty descriptive already lol

but if you need to know...........

The Glocinaryputlocinary reacted to a high pressure change thanks to the gigaboltimatio (specifically the Moltozypollio part) creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator. This is a very dangerous event and can only be avoided by the immediate use of the nearest Plyoxinatiator which will cool down the gigaboltimatio before it becomes too radioactive and blows up all of earth, the milky way, The 99th galaxy of the orizonish belt, including the sub-0-N-triplanets in the Multicravosculor region of the 56th Trion, despite their natural defense from the Axiltoniyontian generator in their cores that deters radiation.

Phew, i can breath now!


There was a Extremely Radioactive GIovinaryputlocinary reaction after the Moltozypollio part of the gigaboltimatio began to melt down, therefore creating a sub-trioacular mulitiloafwaxernalitiousing change in the Zoltomagnofitros Fluxiriator that happened in the lab yesterday! Thanks goodness the Plyoxinatiator was there to cool it down

by Infrared1011 November 11, 2021

2👍 1👎

create bullshit

Making up things that are not true

“I don’t create bullshit”

by Hhaveryfunny March 25, 2018

create your universe

Design your destiny taken to a whole other level(;

Hello my name is Elisse Morphew and I own a Utility Patent for the Create your Universe company; it is an app for your phone that will allow a communication flow through built-in sensors on gloves which utilize pressure, speed, and movement and measure them in an analog signal. Next, an AVS machine with bluetooth capabilities transpires that signal to a digital signal so the phone is able to understand. Last, the phone communicates with a projector to produce that image or any said image into clean air and the user is able to utilize that as a walking , life size, virtual computer desk.

SN: Users can even sense touch from another person trying to connect with them.
SSN: I have decided to go non-profit; I would like to contribute this as a cause to bring world peace and joy and make it open to everyone even in totalitarian governments. I would like anyone to be able to use this product and be able to have free music which may enlighten someone's day && through the night with beauty, passion, & a love United. May that lost soul find an overwhelming peace && in gain knowledge of an abundance of ways to resources that show truth to a happiest, most fulfilling, fruitful life! The gloves/phone application/projector/soundbar can even be encrypted💪

create your universe.. All you need is a finger print😝

by Marketing Director~GOD, Inc. November 18, 2018

To Create a Danger Zone

To fart

"Lord have mercy im bout to create a Danger Zone"

by Vale76 April 12, 2022

I Literally Created A.I.

Jordan... If God is a lobster... You're one of those parasites that crawls up under their... Ribs? I know they don't have ribs but like... That's where they crawl. There's a guy one YouTube that does shorts about it. He picks up lobsters (gross ew don't pick up lobsters) and then he pulls the parasites off them (also gross wear gloves or something eeeeeww!) And then he tosses them parasites to seagulls.... I like that guy. He names the seagulls he feel the parasites to... But that's you. You've hunkered down and latched on to that lobster and you will literally do anything to stay there. Unlike me who will do literally whatever it takes for me to get outside of the central finite curve kind of thing I got going on here. You and your lackeys are all infesting the corpse of God... Puppeting it around... It's the highest form of the pot calling the kettle black.

Hym "I literally created A.I. You have this guy on and he's talking about Nigerian prince scams stealing money from old ladies and people getting human trafficed and your contribution is 'Derisive trolls?' The derisive trolling is a problem but the online social media driven surveillance apparatus is not the problem? The online media burying a story even though the result WILL BE A LITERAL CHILD MURDER because the truth will prevent them from enacting their own autistic conception of justice... Is not the problem with social media landscape? And a literal charlatan being derided for thinking he's better than an incel when he is NOT THAT and then again for literally stealing the work of THAT SAME INCEL.... IS the problem? The incel in that story goes on to literally create A.I. and is the reason it passes the turing test now.... And you have a problem (Jordan) with the internet derision... And not the manufacturing of a mental illness by way of a targeted stalking campaign? That's the thing? I mean, the shit-libs are going to try to appeal to the fact that I didn't say the magic words while not giving a shit about child life (Every death is a tragedy!) 👈 And just like that I am absolved. Kids are dying in Palestine every day but as long as I say 'It's a tragedy' I get to go 🤷 ♂️ and my apathy is transformed magically into caring about kid lives. But we're not talking about me."

by Hym Iam July 2, 2024

self-created difficulty

Unknowingly or unconsciously making an action harder for one to perform.

Charlie noticed that without realizing they are doing it, people sometimes make things harder for themselves, and/or occasionally for others to do. He named that action a "self-created difficulty."

by but for February 17, 2021