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Cumshot Master

The man who is the be all and end all of our universe as we know it. Cumshot Master is, as his name suggests, the master of cum. Cumshot Master is the most powerful being in the universe due to his ability to cum faster than the speed of light, meaning if this is performed he would rip a hole in the space time continuum and thus create as singularity that wouldn't stop until it has devoured the entire universe. It is believed that if and when Cumshot Master releases this power his eyes will glow white and a roar of might will be heard across the earth. It is said that the Cumshot Master lives on earth and has the appearance of a short man with brown hair and a bald spot on the top of his head. Cumshot Master is also said to be living with the rest of us acting as though he is one of us.

"Who do you think possesses the most power in the universe?"

"Well based on the legends it would have to be the almighty Cumshot Master himself"

by Grogo December 17, 2019

Markiplier cumshot

a 'markiplier cumshot' is when a person formally introduces themselves at their moment of climax.

"Hellllloooo everybody, my name is name".

"Dude, i was so drunk last night that i managed to finish on this chick with a markiplier cumshot."
"So you just introduced yourself to her then?"
"What do you mean i was already railing her don't you think we exchanged names before? Anyway she was a whore."
"Hey don't talk about my mother like that!"

by obama: final mix January 10, 2021

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internal cumshot

the act of ejaculating white fluid into a partners anal core and/or vaginal hole

mike southwood took too many giagantic internal cumshots when he was taking a shower in the gay gym

by jobodaho January 25, 2004

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Cumshot slingshot

When you rip your condom off your dick and it slingshots Cum at your partner.

"Dude it was so embarrassing, she screamed when I did the cumshot slingshot."
"It was so gross! He did the cumshot slingshot all over my leg!"

by Riddlemethisriddlemethat February 6, 2020

cumshot terrorist

A pervert usually found in Japan who masturbates in public behind a newspaper or a tree before jumping out and ejaculating his cum on an unsuspecting woman.

I was relaxing on a park bench just outside the Chiba train station in Tokyo when I heard this strange shuffle-shuffle sound behind me. When I turned around to see what it was, a fat salaryman jumped out from behind a tree and shot his load directly in my face. He ran off in seconds leaving me looking like a bukkake queen. That cumshot terrorist.

by de-pube October 2, 2021

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Miami Cumshot

When the male pours gasoline on the top of his dick. He then holds a lighter next to his dick and cums. The gasoline-infused cum shoots through the flame and ignites, sending a fire stream directly at the female.

โ€œMy stupid boyfriend gave me 1st degree burns after he sent a Miami cumshot at me!โ€

by Slydog11 December 17, 2019

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cumshot bullseye

Trendy lower-back tattoo that serves as a target when ejaculating from behind on your girl. Or somebody else's girl.

"Todd is totally going to freak out when he finds out I unloaded on his underage sister's cumshot bullseye."

by The Semen Archer July 27, 2006

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