A darawiish village is a village situated in SSC-Khatumo
that seems like a darawiish village
A darawiish city is any city that is predominantly Dhulbahante, such as Fiqifuliye, Xudun, Marqaanweyne, etc.
she entered a darawiish city
Halganka darawiish is any endeavour pursued by dhulbahante
thats halganka darawiish at work
Darawiish monarchy is an absolutist monarchical form of governance in SSC-Khatumo, wherein the garaad holds absolute power over SSC-Khatumo affairs
The darawiish monarchy has existed in several periods of Nugaal history
they're ragga darawiish
ragga darawiish are dhulbahante men
A member of the dhulbahante clan constitutes darawiish progeny
she's darawiish progeny
Darawiish communism refers to a collectivist approach within the socioeconomic policies within the SSC-Khatumo community
He thought darawiish communism would lead to failure