The definition is blurry but mostly people only having sexual attraction to someone when some sort of bond is formed (When I say the definition is blurry, I mean it varies on who you ask, there's no certain way to be demisexual)
P1: OMG I'd definitely smash a random person I saw on the road
Demisexual Person: ......huh?
Shane Walker: Flower Cat I’m not poly cuz I’m demisexual. I eat cigarettes and it rids me of the stupid bitches.
Demi-sexuality is apart of the gray-sexual spectrum. It means to be sexually or romantically attracted to someone only over a long period of time, also they can be any sexuality just mixed with asexual within their sexuality making them demi.
Me coming out to my mum- Mum, I’m demisexual, meaning (the above sentences)
Mum💞- I accept you for who you are sweetheart.
any person that is not on badoo
I found out I'm demisexual so I deleted badoo
Joanne doesn't want to fuck me tonight.
Yeah dude, y'all just met tonight. She's a woman, ya know?
You mean she's... demisexual???
Sigh. I mean yes.
According to the pride wiki, it means it "refers to people who experience sexual attraction to one or more genders or sexes, but lack sexual attraction to one or more different genders or sexes." ...So that's straight, gay/lesbian, and bisexual relationships, but you're unappreciative and love is one-way thing between your partner and you? Why is that something to celebrate about? Let them be happy.
I keep snuggling up to my boy... I mean genderfluid trans girlfriend, and zhey just sigh and said zhey're heading to another pride con. Zhe said that zhe's a demisexual and I should respect that, but I feel like zhe... he is antagonizing me to rub off the guilt he puts on our relationship.