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of the 2 major political parties in America, this party or its politicians have a variety of bullshit, that although at times distressing, is often mixed with initiatives that actually prove helpful to people based on what appears to be a genuine concern for the citizenry. Democrat's bullshit is unique for being generally non-virulent to humanity at large and is thus tolerable in comparison to the bullshit of any other group which has historically wielded a similar level of political influence. The bullshit of Democrats is thus regrettable but rarely if ever dangerous. This is exceptionally noteworthy, as the necessary evil of politics by its very nature draws out humanity's most vulgar, deceitful, hycpocritical, duplicitous, oppressive, sanctimonious, arrogant, and self-serving interests and personalities. Luckily in America, these unsavory qualities have concentrated themselves to a truly extraordinary level in the Republican party, so that one who wishes to avoid these virulent and intolerable forms of bullshit can easily do so by supporting Democrats or any viable 3rd party (OK, OK... that little joke about 3rd parties was just to see if you're still reading), and vigilantly opposing Republicans and/or documenting the afforementioned evils inherent in any political system (I know that last part is redundant, since Republicans are themselves typically the evils in the system).

Democrat bullshit: One man gets a blow-job from a 21 year old woman. He doesn't admit it until the imminent potential for DNA evidence to back up the woman's story embarrasses him enough to confess.

Republican bullshit: Far too vile and lengthy a list to go into, but perhaps its most dangerous and virulent outbreaks in recent memory include submitting forged documents to the entire world in order to bolster a "rally to unnecessary war in Iraq" campaign based on blind ideology, a series of deliberate deceptions, and the unethical intimidation of professional intelligence officers, rather than on pragmatic realities. This served to destroy America's credibility and drastically weaken the War on Terror. Worst of all, it has so far resulted in the deaths of at least 1600 American troops, many thousands more American troops severely maimed and scarred for life, as well as 10's of 1000's of ordinary Iraqis whose "liberation" from their brutal dictator came in the form of death by American armaments for no good reason, and at a price tag of well over $300 BILLION dollars, with no end in sight! (incidentally, less than 3% of that total could completely update America's schools for the 21st century, a modest portion could have funded all the research we need to make alternative energy commercially viable so we can be truly independent and tell the Islamic wackos to shove their oil up their ass, and still have a boatload of cash left over for whatever you want to do with it - pay down the deficit, invest in Social Security, or anything else!!)

by FunkyBumpkin April 29, 2005

1304๐Ÿ‘ 8509๐Ÿ‘Ž


the closest thing to how our gov should be. they dont lie and they fight for the working people. if you are not rich or a fucking idiot....why vote republican? FUCK REPUBLICANS

BUSH is "the only person to make Forest Gump look smart"

by loki March 23, 2005

1232๐Ÿ‘ 566๐Ÿ‘Ž


A literal cult.

Democrat Cult Leader "We are TRUTH! We are UNITY! ALL HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Democrats "HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Democrat Cult Leader "The Evangelical Cubans and the Evangelical Conservatives are trying to spread DIVISION and LIES and HATE!!!"

Democrats "We are UNITY! We are TRUTH! We are LOVE!!!"

Demoncrat Cult Leader "Their denial of THE SCIENCE is BLASPHEMY and must be stopped or the PLAGUE and the CLIMATE CHANGE will kill us all!!!"

Demoncrats "HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Demoncrat Cult Leader "There is no place in our new, UNIFIED world for their HATE SPEECH! Their SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!"

Demoncrats "WE ARE UNITY! We ArE lOvE!! OuR vOiCe Is PeAcE!!!"

๐Ÿ˜ˆ "Gaze upon their faces! Do you see a MASK!? They DENY THE SCIENCE!!!"


๐Ÿ˜ˆ "They believe their WHITENESS is SUPREME! But, brothers and sisters, THE SCIENCE has spoken! THE SCIENCE tells us it is our DIVERSITY and our INCLUSIVITY and our EQUITY that will reign SUPREME!!!"


๐Ÿ˜ˆ "Gone, gone the form of WHITENESS!!"


by Hym Iam December 9, 2020

313๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


A literal cult.

Democrat Cult Leader "We are TRUTH! We are UNITY! ALL HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Democrats "HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Democrat Cult Leader "The Evangelical Cubans and the Evangelical Conservatives are trying to spread DIVISION and LIES and HATE!!!"

Democrats "We are UNITY! We are TRUTH! We are LOVE!!!"

Demoncrat Cult Leader "Their denial of THE SCIENCE is BLASPHEMY and must be stopped or the PLAGUE and the CLIMATE CHANGE will kill us all!!!"

Demoncrats "HAIL THE SCIENCE!!!"

Demoncrat Cult Leader "There is no place in our new, UNIFIED world for their HATE SPEECH! Their SILENCE IS VIOLENCE!"

Demoncrats "WE ARE UNITY! We ArE lOvE!! OuR vOiCe Is PeAcE!!!"

๐Ÿ˜ˆ "Gaze upon their faces! Do you see a MASK!? They DENY THE SCIENCE!!!"


๐Ÿ˜ˆ "They believe their WHITENESS is SUPREME! But, brothers and sisters, THE SCIENCE has spoken! THE SCIENCE tells us it is our DIVERSITY and our INCLUSIVITY and our EQUITY that will reign SUPREME!!!"


๐Ÿ˜ˆ "Gone, gone the form of WHITENESS!!"


by Hym Iam December 9, 2020

225๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Anybody who thinks that everybody is equal, all races, sexes, and religions (unless you don't feel that way, then we'll discriminate against you)
2. Anybody who relies on science and numbers as evidence, as opposed to the bible. Seriously, that was written 2000 years ago, and it's been proven wrong.
3. Anybody whos been to school: type 'IQ John Kerry George' Bush into Google, look at second result.
4. Somebody who realizes that children, while a great bundle of joy, cost on average $210,000. People who also realize that, if you going to start a war, you should have a reason, and 'crusade against evil' does not qualify because that's not a fact, its subjective (meaning that it's a Point of view).
5. Democrats know that people who got money stolen from them by corupt lobbyists like Tom DeLay should have some given back to them.
6. Somebody who knows what a globe is and whats it's used for: 50% of all americans cannot find Iraq, 12% of them are not republican, if youre slow, thats 88% that cannot find it are republican. If thats not dumb enough, 35% cannot find NYC, and something like 90+% of them are republican. Ironic because they use that as the basis of many of their arguments.

Also, whoever said that it was the Republicans who freed the slaves, you are right, but keep in mind it was against a Christian Democrat opponent they were facing. Today, the majority of Christians vote Republican. It's not the cover of the book you should be looking at, it's the content, genius.

George W. Bush has used over 600 'executive passes', something that allows you to pass a law for 'National Security reasons'.This number, if you are aware, is MORE THAN EVERY OTHER PRESIDENT COMBINED.

Dick Cheney shot a guy in the face thinking its a bird no larger than a piece of paper, and nothing happens. Meanwhile, a fifteen year old gets a life sentence for accidently killing his neighbor while practicing wrestling moves in his backyard.

Note: I may be a hardcore democrat, but i support Bush's idea to make a wall between Mexico and USA. That may be the only god decision hes made.

by Diego D.A. May 25, 2006

1434๐Ÿ‘ 671๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. One belonging to the United States Democratic Party

2. Tend to believe that government should come to the aid the most disadvantaged in society (see Unemployment Insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security). We don't bring it up much, but it's what Jesus taught.

3. Belive in the separation of church and state, on the off-chance that not everyone in America is a Southern Baptist.

4. Doesn't believe that industries have the unfettered right to dump carcinogens into our water supplies. Also believe in protecting public health and worker safety.

5. Believe in strengthening public education, rather than gutting it with vouchers.

6. Belive in civil liberties and equal rights for all people, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation; a Democratic President pushed through the Civil Rights Act even though it meant losing half of his party. That half, comprising mostly of racist whites, now overwhelmingly votes Republican.

7. Most have actually read the 9th amendment. Can also spell "amendment."

8. Represent broadest spectrum of the American public: women, blacks, Latinos, gays, Jews, seculars, immigrants, union workers, and yes, also straight middle-class white male Protestants like me.

If they were alive today, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt would be Democrats.


Despite a wealth of good ideas, Democrats have allowed themselves to be intimdated by semi-literate meatheads called Republicans

by VoiceOfReason June 7, 2006

1063๐Ÿ‘ 523๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person aligned to a political party primarily concerned with liberal causes such as the enviroment, education, a de-emphasis on state's rights, strict construction, healthcare, 1st amendment rights and separation of church and state. In short, democrats are paragons of truth, virtue, and logic. The US would be a better place with more Democrats around.

Once we get a Democrat in the Oval Office, the country will get back on track.

by oscar wilde February 16, 2005

1339๐Ÿ‘ 3104๐Ÿ‘Ž