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Dickslutsia (Dik~sluht~see~a)

A common but dangerous condition in which dicksluts have gone two or more days without a cock forced into the throat leaving the infected with suicidal tendenencies and feelings of worthlessness as men will not turn down head at anytime for any reason.

Dickslutsia can be commonly found in manhaters, maneaters, prudish old bags with dried-up vages and any and all unattractive women and gay men who are experiencing the unfortunate luck of getting no Dick.

Hillary Clinton's life long battle with Dickslutsia (Dik~sluht~see~a) can directly be linked to her uncanny ability to be the ugliest womenbeast in America 24/7/365. Some say her Husbands famous oval office organ offerings to fat unattractive office staff pkayed a devastating part with her battle.

by UglyondaSkin, Luvlyfromwithin November 21, 2012

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Ur mother is very fat means this in Dutch

He jij klootviool JE MA IS HEEL DIK

by Het is leuk March 9, 2021


The pronunciation for the prefix Urbadicto-

(Meaning of or having to do with the Urban Dictionary.

Of or having to do with the online dictionary of slang and street terminology known as Urban Dictionary.

Of or having to do with the website UrbanDictionary.com)

This is how the prefix Urbadicto- is pronounced::

by CDLady April 6, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Go bun my wif diks

Bunning wif diks is the equivalent of not caring or just straight out not giving a fuck.
Phrase was originally coined by Agne Jagelaviciute.

You think I am stealing intellectual property? Too bad, go bun my wif diks.

by SrDerp July 8, 2020

smokin nic and sucin dik

420420 yaaaaazds

smokin nic and sucin dik is goood

by thatratwrangler September 23, 2019

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

suck my dik u skanky ho

the sucking of the dick and de skanky ho is doing de sucking

woah suck my dik u skanky ho

by dik skank ho January 30, 2018

sugoma dik

amogus kid backwards.

Person 1: hey say amogus kid backwards!
Person 2: sugoma dik
Person 1 GOT YA LOL
Person 2: ...why...

by The_weird_kid_in_school February 8, 2022