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A Dodgy Old Joe

A shady, creepy male. Funny looking, dodgy walking and just the biggest cunt you'll ever meet.

Mainly found around play grounds, parks and leisure centres. Usually lurking about in the shadows.

- Oh look i can see a 'Joe Rosser' walking towards that little boy.

- I see he's up to his old tricks again waltzing around the nursery, thats what you call 'A Dodgy Old Joe'.

by MyVeryOwnPseudonym November 22, 2010

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dodgy dutch marcus

A dirty dutch "man" who never expedites orders unless they include or involve a degree of rimming. Supposedly he dislikes the idea of rimming, which seems odd considering the amount he asks for it.

"Marcus, please order XYZ immediately, or ASAP."

"Rim me."

by yourboss February 14, 2005

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Supreme Leader Dodgy Daddy Dyldo Thundercum Furbong XVIII Jr

A person that is Cuomosexual and is known for being a Professional Skin Flautist.

"oh my god is that the super hot, sexy, hispanic, strong, sexy, cuomosexual, incredibly smart, sexy 'Supreme Leader Dodgy Daddy Dyldo Thundercum Furbong XVIII Jr' ?????

by Mortis_ February 6, 2022

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Dodgy Bob

A shit that refuses to be flushed

After the second flush I knew Iโ€™d done a dodgy bob

by Kavorks October 12, 2019

dodgy keyboard

When you finger a loved one during a moment of anger, as if you were furiously pressing a button on a keyboard (dodgy keyboard requires sweat and a spike of insulin).

Friday night, the boss is demanding that you complete the spreadsheet before the weekend, you think of your wife and how your going to dodgy keyboard the crap out of here when you find out she's been sleeping with your boss.

by TheWaterMoose January 16, 2017

Proper dodgy like

It means to be dodgy/odd/weird/strange/faulty

That food was proper dodgy like kiiid

by theviv11 May 12, 2019

Dodgy facepaint

When you are shagging a girl and she squirts all over your face

That slag sandra gave me the dodgy facepaint

by Shit slinger69 May 1, 2021