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The act of creating music when you don't have even a faint trace of musicality, aesthetics or humanism. Writing music so stale and forced only adolescents who are blind to the fact you have nothing whatsoever to say or offer society can listen to it.

"Did you hear the latest song by Soulja Boy, Man he's taking DragonForcing to a whole new level!" or "Man, Even Paris Hilton DragonForced out an album!"

by threeofaperfectpair April 17, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dragonforce is a band that sings about dragons and likes to play the same cord over and over again and throw in a couple of gay notes and call it a song

1. dragonforce is gay because all they sing about is killing dragons and then chopping of their nuts and then stuff the left nut in the dragon's mouth and then eat the right nut for breakfast the next day

2. wow if there were no words in this song i could not tell if this is "through the fire and the flames" or "operation ground and pound"

by 888888888888888888888888888888 August 5, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dragonforce: THE Dragonforce. Every instrument in the band has been known to play so fast that they create their own hyper-dimensional vortex. So fast that the human brain cannot process the speed at which the notes are being played. Even though they sound fast now, many scientists and researchers actually believe that the music is processed by the human mind 5.7 times too slow than it is actually played.

If anyone ever heres anyone say that Dragonforce is not Epic or speed metal, you must follow the instructions listed below:
-Crazy glue headphones to their ears
-Turn on the long version of soldiers of the wasteland
-Crank it
-Proceed to throw victim into a flaming pit
If the above is executed with precision, the victim will no longer be alive, but will have listened to the most amazing song right before they died.

by trickshot9 June 24, 2007

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The hardest metal known to mankind.

Diamonds are crafted using specifically-designed drills made out of Dragonforce.

by randomly February 6, 2009

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a shitty power/speed metal band from england. they have gained a large following due to the fact that their song made it onto guitar hero 3. before that, nobody had even heard of them, and for a good reason. well several reasons.

none of their music is original. the asian dude prolly just said "oooh rets write shitty music about castres and dragons and pray rearry rearry fast to hide our rack of tarent" after playing dungeons and dragons for 10 hours straight. ill give herman li credit for his ability to play fast, but any guitarist can play power chords and broken arpeggios.

and just to clarify, herman li is not the best guitarist ever. that goes to jimi hendrix, closely followed by clapton. even in the metal genre, guitarists like rusty cooley, paul gilbert, and even yngwie malmsteen are better. and i would have to say that if you want to listen to a guitarist who can shred but still play softer, more soulful music, listen to john petrucci, steve vai, or joe satriani

their singer sounds like a 12 year old whos balls havent dropped yet, which doesnt fit the music at all.

they have a keytar. dont get me wrong, keytars are awesome. just not in metal

they cant play live. just watch one of their performances on youtube. you cant tell me that it doesnt sound like they are on the brink of falling apart, crashing, and burning. idk how they do it in the studio, but their sound engineers producers deserve some mad props for making off-tempo power chords actually fit over an uneven drum groove.

and finally, all of their songs sound the same. and all of their variations of the same 4 songs suck. if you want good thrash/speed metal listen to slayer, early metallica, testament, exodus, hammerfall, or rhapsody of fire. and please get a decent taste in music

dragonforce fan: dragonforce kicks ass. i saw their show last night and it was so epic

me: and by epic, you mean 5 minutes of erratic, off tempo power chords repeated several times, with the two guitarists barely keeping up with the pace of the music, not able to play the solos on they recorded in the studio and heavily edited to make them sound at least slightly musical?

by musicman27 August 2, 2009

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the worst band ever who's music is terrible, overrated and kills me to listen to more than even Hannah Montana. and to the millions of people who are obsessed with them, well i don't really care. there music probably wouldn't be nearly as popular if guitar hero 3 didn't exist

Dragonforce stinks.

by liam derrick January 29, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A band no one would have ever known about if it weren't for Guitar Hero II.

(A kid walks in a room wearing a Dragonforce shirt)

Kid 2: "What's Dragonforce, some stupid band?"

Kid 1: "Yeah right they rock!"

(Kid 2 plays Guitar Hero II and walks in with a Dragonforce shirt the next day)

Kid 1: "I thought you said Dragonforce was a stupid band?"

Kid 2: "I heard them on Guitar Hero II, they rock, I'm gonna get all my anime friends to wear the shirts!"

by Jon Robinson (dandruff) October 5, 2007

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