drug addiction enabler
Enabling is a term often used in the context of a relationship with an addict. It might be a drug addict or alcoholic, a gambler, or a compulsive overeater. Enablers, rather than addicts, suffer the effects of the addict's behavior. Enabling is “removing the natural consequences to the addict of his or her behavior.”
How to do it wrong: Young woman comes home and asks her parents for $500 for rent. They ask why she can’t pay her rent. She says she lost her wallet and she had all her rent money in it. Although she was short on her rent the month before and she has been sick a lot lately, the parents don’t ask any more questions. They get her the cash and she leaves. (aka - drug addiction enabler)
How to do it wrong: Young woman comes home and asks her parents for $500 for rent. They ask why she can’t pay her rent. She says she lost her wallet and she had all her rent money in it. Although she was short on her rent the month before and she has been sick a lot lately, the parents don’t ask any more questions. They get her the cash and she leaves. (aka - drug addiction enabler)
Filtering Enabled (OR FE) disables Client-To-Server Replication.
ROBLOX Exploiters hate it as it might break your script
FE can also be a type of script that replicates on the other players screen.
Exploiter 1: Wow look at this Filtering Enabled kick for roblox!!
Exploiter 2: I doubt that is FE.
Exploiter 1: I hate roblox filtering enabled!!
Exploiter 2: We all do.