Something like the Teletubbies, as it was created by someone high on pot at the time. It barely even works. In terms of the words that have those kinds of letters, most of them break the rule, so it is pointless. Teams have lost the Spelling Bee just because they trusted the devil of spelling, I before E except after C. Even English teachers think that this is a shitty technique.
Teacher: I before E except after C.
Me: That's useless, there are so many exceptions.
Teacher: Detention.
It is customary for a bride and groom to eat first at a wedding reception. However, if the pair have elected not to eat after five minutes, the guest may go ahead and eat.
"The groom and bride are still changing. Thank to the reception exception. We can go ahead and eat.
Some shitty propaganda made by satan and his minions.
Words that were made by chads who aren't having any of this shit:
wait wtf is a receipt?
I before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after CI before E except after C FUCK YOU AND SHUT UP
Hym "No, you're making an exception for that retard and you did it after the fact and the reason you were doing it was because his cock was fat. You weren't making that exception for any of the other retards and you did it for him to cover your own ass because you're a fucking retard molester. So, no, if you don't have to give a shit about the boundaries policy, I don't have to give a shit about hipaa. And your husband is a fuckin bum who didn't create A.I."
The kind of dork that doesn't think they are a dork.
The dork girl was the one in the picture with the other dork posing with boxing gloves or something that would make her look tougher or different than the other dork. She must have been one exceptional dork.
often used when dealing with a joke. When the need to clarify comes along, except actually is used
Amnesty: I'm Mr. Hennagir's favorite student
Rimsha: Except actually... I am.