Something like the Teletubbies, as it was created by someone high on pot at the time. It barely even works. In terms of the words that have those kinds of letters, most of them break the rule, so it is pointless. Teams have lost the Spelling Bee just because they trusted the devil of spelling, I before E except after C. Even English teachers think that this is a shitty technique.
Teacher: I before E except after C.
Me: That's useless, there are so many exceptions.
Teacher: Detention.
"You can follow an 'unpopular' method or procedure 'till da cows come home' and nothing unusual will ever happen to 'justify' or 'vindicate' your unorthodox actions (and you'll likely get continually criticized by others for your chosen behavior), but then the ONE TIME when you eventually 'cave' and actually DO happen to follow the 'standard' or 'acceptable' protocol, THAT'S the solitary 'rogue occasion' when disaster will happen to strike --- something really bad will happen that would not have occurred if you had simply continued to follow your own 'pet' procedure that had seemed better/safer to begin with!"
My "super-long-term-driving-experienced" aunt had gotten fed up with my "back-seat driver" attempts to be helpful by telling her about vehicles that I'd see moving around fairly near our position when we'd be travelling someplace in her car, and so she had eventually asked me to just keep quiet and let here handle the driving herself. Well, of course, within a day or two, Murphy's Law of Exceptions decided to turn and bite me in da butt --- due to a view-obstructing sidewalk-mounted ad-sign, my aunt didn't notice an approaching car, but I did... naturally, that was the ONE TIME that I **didn't** tell her about it because she'd specifically asked me to keep my trap shut on instances like that, and so I'd ASSUMED (there's that word again!) that she'd observed the vehicle bearing down on the intersection. Well, as you might expect, we crashed, and there were multiple injuries in the other car! Can't win...!
It is customary for a bride and groom to eat first at a wedding reception. However, if the pair have elected not to eat after five minutes, the guest may go ahead and eat.
"The groom and bride are still changing. Thank to the reception exception. We can go ahead and eat.
The kind of dork that doesn't think they are a dork.
The dork girl was the one in the picture with the other dork posing with boxing gloves or something that would make her look tougher or different than the other dork. She must have been one exceptional dork.
When friends make an exception from a normally “friendly relationship” to a “friends with benefits” like relationship for a limited period of time. They both consent that it will only last for that period of time, and afterwards they go back to being normal friends.
Friends with exceptions describes Anne’s relationship with her boss.
When you point up the ring finger, also known as digitus medicinalis, it means I like you in a friendly and non-rude matter, or can have alternative meanings, like "your awesome", I love you to a romantic partner, etc. This is not to be confused with the middle finger that means "GO F--K YOURSELF"
Pointing Ring Finger Up Like Middle Finger except it's the Ring Finger:
Jessica: That was such sweet gift Howard *points ring finger*
Howard: Aww you put your ringer finger up! I love you too!
A person destined to outlast the test of time.
Someone: "Remember Eddy from high school?
"Well of course you do, who wouldn't??"
"That kid is a one of a kind, exceptional beast!"