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Belief in the possibility of something yet experienced which leads to work or effort. This belief is not unfounded but rather the result of confirming evidence, including the trusted words of others.

All people act in accordance with their faith and continually adjust their faith according to the resulting evidence.

In reading these words of the Talmud โ€Ž"Goodwill is the mightiest practical FORCE in the Universe" John feels that the message is true and decides to stop being angry. He has faith that his world will be better by this change he's making.

Pretending to have faith, out of laziness or fear, is not evidence of faith, but rather the lack thereof.

by rufuswrites November 25, 2010

54๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Faith : (fa-i-th) definition: shes a thug. shes the coolest person around, so be jealous.

number five: YO is that faith over there??!!
TAYlOR: YEA IT IS! we better run shes too hood for us =X !!

by NUMBER 5 iS A GEE September 28, 2006

953๐Ÿ‘ 487๐Ÿ‘Ž


Meaning of someone who's beautiful but gotta BIG OLE booty and titys

Yo dat girl gotta be ah faith

by Angel foo November 12, 2019

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Faith is a different species. Faiths are quite when you first approach them. They are easily startled, almost like a deer. But after you gain their trust, there is no way of getting rid of one. Faith is a grudge holder so don't break their trust. You most likely won't get it back for a long time. Faiths are a strange thing to come by. They cuss alot and make weird noises. They also wiggle and dance to anything. Even if there is nothing to wiggle to. They are most often mistaken for 10 year old boys. Mostly because they get aggressive real quick. If you ever come across a faith just play some music and hold out some food.

Quite! You don't want to startle faith.

Oh no Faith is at it again.

Stop being a faith. Just because you don't like what I say doesn't mean you need to be a faith.

by TicTac2017 October 23, 2017

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its a persons name. And Its quite uncommon.

For girls named Faith who search their name, and cannot find a definition.

by thekidwhowrotethedefinition April 28, 2010

236๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person whoโ€™s quiet and shy bit, once you get to know them they are bubbly and make such inappropriate jokes sometimes also she tries to act like a viscous cold hearted person but, when sheโ€™s alone she is soft and cute, Sheโ€™s beautiful but, wonโ€™t admit it. Faithโ€™s tend to think that everyone hates her and sometimes they playfully hurt people for fun and has a low self-esteem. Faithโ€™s usually sometimes have severe depression and do self harm because of things that have happened to her in her life . If you know a faith then please stay by her side unlike I did because when I didnโ€™t she killed her self...

Guy2: Isnโ€™t that Faith??

Guy1: Yeah..

Guy2: Why isnโ€™t she smiling, Iโ€™d rather her smile

Guy1: Do you care about the smile or her self?

Guy2: Letโ€™s get going...

Guy1: But...

Guy2: Why do you even care for her??

by ScaruCakePop January 26, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Faith is belief in something that either has no or very little evidence in support of it. In some cases faith can run contrary to some or even much evidence. The term faith is most often associated with religion, but is also commonly used in reference to people or relationships.

shes faithful, she wouldn't cheat
he's a faithful freind, he'll stand by me
chuck doesn't need evidence, he has faith.

by thedocy December 19, 2010

181๐Ÿ‘ 89๐Ÿ‘Ž