When a girl shoves a dick in her butt and she farts and/or qweefs on it.
I heard a rumor that Dana Feefed on Toby while they were having sex.
the combo. of a fart and a queef that usually happens when someone lifts up their leg and it comes from the side
"i was walking down the hallway and i saw Jake pull a total feef."
The activity of driving miniature RC rock crawlers.
That rock looks like with be awesome for some feef!
A gay guy who smells really bad. He is dumb in school and has a lower gpa. The huzz are repulsed. He is terrible at video games.
Oh brother Feef pulled up to the function
1.) An extremely adorable thing or person
2.) An extremely annoying thing or person
1.) "OH MY GOD! That dog is such a furry feef! Look at its cute little tail!"
2.) "Ew Robbie was being such a feef today."
When air is trapped in the foreskin and escapes making a flatulence
(Foreskin Fart, Dick Queef)
The act of audibly releasing air trapped in the foreskin
John was opening and closing his foreskin so fast, he let out a Feef.
Tom's girlfriend blew up his foreskin like a balloon, just to hear him Feef.