the opposite of an incel. a whore who only finds validation through degeneracy, is depressed due to this, but puts on a fake face of pride, as if being a used product is something to be proud of. a product of modern culture.
every female comedian is a femcel
A femcel is a woman who cannot get a relationship due to her attitude.
Less attractive femcels not only struggle to find a relationship but also casual sex, which is something I, as a man, blame men for; if a woman is acting like some testosterone-fueled dude, a man should not lower himself to have sex with her at all, regardless of her looks.
A femcel's comment online: "Submissive? Cook and clean? Men just want a babysitter at this point, they're the worst."
Someone replies: "Must be nice being single by choice, huh? Everyone else's choice, that is. Lmao."