Source Code

fraggle time

"Fraggle Time" is defined as the time that you are awake past midnight. Because you haven't gone to sleep, a new day hasn't officially started for you yet, meaning you can still make due on tasks that were supposed to be done. Typically associated with college students who work on projects last minute, and people who work night shifts.

Carl: Can you tell me what day it is?
Jim: It's Wednesday
Zach: Dude it's Thursday
Jim: Sorry, I'm still on Fraggle Time

"The current date/time is June 25th 2:21am FT (Fraggle Time)"

by MTyCo June 26, 2014

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Fraggle Rock

This is the most certain point of absolute drunkenness, whereby one must be subject the careful touch of a doctor in order to be revived into consciousness, and when the do awaken, they show characteristics as a zombie would produce. When one reaches the point of fraggle rock, one is at the absolute verge of death and probably has alcohol poisioning. Very few brave souls reach this point, and those who do are usually college-aged and will never be able to drink again.

Thomas: Dude, did you hear what happened to Kyle?
Stanley: No man, is he alright?
Thomas: No man, he got fraggle rocked last night.
Stanley: Shit dude, that kid knows how to party!

by Michael Watts May 8, 2006

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Fraggle Rock

A form of intense, uberl33t marajuana, most commonly found priced at $20-$35 at your local street pharmacy.

Man, that fuckin fraggle rock kicked my fuckin ass, i'm still blitzed. I ... Oooooh cookies!

by Ellis D. January 24, 2007

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fraggle rock

A dance move developed on the West Coast. Involves slouching one's shoulders right over and staring at the ground with a fully bent-forward neck. The dancer steps stiffly to the beat with straight legs, and jingles his/her arms from the shoulder joints down as if loosening them up for exercise. Mostly used at weddings and political rallies.

When the DJ dropped that new Nellie track, the chick I was dancing with broke into the Fraggle Rock. It blew my mind.

by pericranium November 23, 2005

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raggle fraggle

A Outburst that people use when excited or surprised; A common phrase used by people in the tourettes institution.

Guy 1: Hey man was up?
Guy with tourettes: Ahh nothing much how bout you?
Guy 1: Oh nothing just got back from work
Guy with tourettes: oh thats co...RAGGLE FRAGGLE!
Guy 1: AHHH! You bastard...


by Zack Herrell November 26, 2006

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Fraggle Rocked

To birth into the the shape of a Fraggle. When two FUGLY people get together to create the worst creature imaginable that is an actual living breathing monster of a masterpiece that creature produced is called a Fraggle Rock.

The charachter NY on the Flavor of Love series has obviously been a victim of being fraggle rocked. That chic is sooo ugly man that Bitch looks just like a Fraggle Rock.

by dannon December 5, 2006

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A euphemism for "mother-fucking".

Also used as "fraggle-rocker".

What a fraggle-rocking asshole.

by EuphieMissM November 6, 2010

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