The smallest pen in the world belongs to thin very boy, he likes men and pinches little boys
person 1: Zachary Gary Goldberg stop pinching
Zachary Gary Goldberg: no I like men
person 1: small
Zachary Gary Goldberg:.... *crys*
Lady of the house: "Would you like a cup of Tea?"
Builder "Yes please!"
LOTH "What do you take?"
Builder "Tea Whoopi-Goldberg!"
LOTH "Sorry"
Builder "No need to apologise, I understand that the middle class is xenophobic and forgive your ignorance. "
LOTH "That's OK, my husband is working away this week..."
Builder "So the bedroom light bulb needs changing and you can't reach?"
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When you get ass beat so badly you become like goldberg bitch ass son
When bobby lashley beat the hell out goldberg's bitch ass son
Joe Goldberg is a fictional character from the show "you" which is based off of a book series written by the author Caroline kepnes
The show currently has four seasons
Joe Goldberg is a stalker a creepy one at that, when we first meet him in the show he proves this immediately and is clearly creepy, some might say the mayor of creep ville. An obsessed hypocrite at heart, delusional too.
Oh did you hear about the show "you"? Joe Goldberg is the literal worst to ever exist!
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Named after the character, Joe Goldberg from the Netflix show ‘You’, goldberging refers to somebody who is acting in a stalkerish/extremely obsessive manner about someone.
Dan: “Dude, were you just stalking your ex on insta?”
Matt: “Nah, nah, just having a quick check y’know.”
Dan: “ Damn, you’re really goldberging out right now.”
A Rube Goldberg machine that does something rude to someone in the end.
Some dude: I really think what you made is cool. My favorite part was the dominoes. Can I make one t..... (gets kicked by a boot).
Another dude: Sorry about that, that's my Rude Goldberg machine.
auto response the average 13 year old boy comments on a joe goldberg edit to make them seem cool. its more unique then the typical “im batman/spiderman”
“i am joe goldberg”
no sebastian get out of your room your family is worried about you.