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Good morning and God bless

Doing a good morning and God bless is taking a shit while drinking coffee and eating breakfast.

The best way to start the day is with a good morning and God bless!

by pepsijonasmax April 7, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

When You're taking a morning shit whilst eating breaking and drinking a coffee to loosen the bowels.

"Why are you taking so long in the bathroom? I gotta pee."
"Sorry Mom, i'm just having a quick good morning and god bless won't be long."

by Zexan April 7, 2018

good morning and god bless

When you shit, drink coffee and eat breakfast on the toilet, it's a good morning and god bless.

Hila what do you just open the door on people when they're taking shits? I'm doing a good morning and god bless, I need another 20 minutes at least.

by razzatouille April 7, 2018

good morning and god bless

Eating breakfast on the john

Ethan and I ritually good morning and god bless. It makes for a great start to the day.

by Big dawg 1895 April 10, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

The act of eating one's breakfast while making a bowel movement in the morning.

Wife: Hurry up I need to use the bathroom!

Husband: Give me ten more minutes I'm having a Good Morning and God Bless!

by Stalin_was_a_good_guy April 7, 2018

good morning and god bless

A good morning and god bless is when a person drinks coffee and eats breakfast on the toilet the coffee may be a tool to relax the bowels or just a simple pick me up. This phrase was first coined by h3h3 productions on the 6th of April 2018

I’m just going to have a simple good morning and god bless today

by Internet-Documentary April 7, 2018

Good Morning and God Bless

When you shit during coffee and eat breakfast on the toilet

“What are you up to?”
“Just having a good morning and god bless, if you know what I mean”
“Ah man papa bless you, timber!”

by Constant Suffering April 7, 2018