Doing a good morning and God bless is taking a shit while drinking coffee and eating breakfast.
The best way to start the day is with a good morning and God bless!
When You're taking a morning shit whilst eating breaking and drinking a coffee to loosen the bowels.
"Why are you taking so long in the bathroom? I gotta pee."
"Sorry Mom, i'm just having a quick good morning and god bless won't be long."
When you shit, drink coffee and eat breakfast on the toilet, it's a good morning and god bless.
Hila what do you just open the door on people when they're taking shits? I'm doing a good morning and god bless, I need another 20 minutes at least.
Ethan and I ritually good morning and god bless. It makes for a great start to the day.
The act of eating one's breakfast while making a bowel movement in the morning.
Wife: Hurry up I need to use the bathroom!
Husband: Give me ten more minutes I'm having a Good Morning and God Bless!
A good morning and god bless is when a person drinks coffee and eats breakfast on the toilet the coffee may be a tool to relax the bowels or just a simple pick me up. This phrase was first coined by h3h3 productions on the 6th of April 2018
I’m just going to have a simple good morning and god bless today
When you shit during coffee and eat breakfast on the toilet
“What are you up to?”
“Just having a good morning and god bless, if you know what I mean”
“Ah man papa bless you, timber!”