He is a very loyal person, who can be trusted. When he has a vision, he is willing to do everything to get closer to the goal. He's a good friend and can handle criticism very well.
If your name is Hanne, you have a beautiful name. It’s kinda rare name, but pretty
Hanne is making a hamburege
He's the perfect guy smart and rides a bike🚴🏻.
She met a Hannes yesterday, better not lose him!
A very interesting person, who is also stubborn with some control issues, she likes to plan every single moment in her life. She is often very wild in bed and leaves snailmarks in bed.
Opps I did a Hanne
Best roommate in the world! If she eats your ice cream she will actually buy you a new one! Only a Hanne would do that! Hanne is also so awesome strong and sexy as fuck! You really have to have a Hanne in your life if you ever want to be happy! Also Hanne loves RNA.
Hanne is super intelligent!