bob: did you hear the newest cover from hc creates?
frank: dawg i literally told you about it 💀
HC used as an abbreviation for Hillary Clinton, means to delete or destroy somthing to prevent others from finding out that you screwed up.
Phil: " did you Pull an HC because your browser history is blank."
Bill: "no comment"
When a privileged white woman is oblivious to her privilege and bias (I.e. racism, classism, Islamophobia, etc.), and props up and defends her bias with feminist platitudes.
Her: “I don’t want that Mosque in my neighborhood. It’ll lower property values, and you never know who else will move here. It would be dangerous.”
Him: “That’s Islamophobic.”
Her: “How could you say that? Are you against women’s safety?”
Him: “That’s Hillary Clinton Syndrome (HCS).”
Skotte: Jens you are such a hc andersen!
Jens: No I'm not?!
Skotte: You always exaggerate everything!!!
High Crack Syndrome • Someone who has a high receding butt crack and no matter how high their pants are their crack is showing.
John the plumper was fixing the sink and I found out he has a case of HCS.
I have a case of bordom. "types in fgjgvhm vhchfchg hvc ghcfhc vhc hc jg,cjgc".OK WTF.
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