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hickey fajita

When you are trying to eat dank fajitas and then some cutie is sucking on your neck and it tickles so you spill your fajitas.

"Damn, I got hickey fajitas all over myself again"
"Hannah keeps giving me hickey fajitas when I just want to eat, damn"

by hannah_fo_fannah December 17, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

bestfriend hickey

Casually giving your bestfriend a hickey without any feelings

"You're a good friend and if you're bf won't give you s hickey then I will. Like a bestfriend hickey"

by Cxsso March 27, 2017

hickey anxiety

1) Anxiety over having an obvious hickey and wanting to hide it.

2) Anxiety over giving a good hickey.

She had hickey anxiety when meeting her boyfriends family because she didn't want them to think that she was a ho.

by HugTheLake May 13, 2010

30๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

duh hickey

The ultimate "Duh" or "Thank you, Captain Obvious" for a brief stint. Used mainly by urban white children ages 12-14 circa 1987-1989 as a nuclear "No shit, Sherlock."

Him: My peg's not high enough.

Her: Duh hickey!

by Duh Hickey February 20, 2018

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

violin hickey

a mark on violinists/violists located directly under the jaw. looks like a hickey. it's formed from violin or violas chinrests rubbing on the neck, usually due to excessive practicing.

you: what's that thing on your neck?
me: it's a violin hickey. i've been practicing a lot because of the school-season.

by firefliexx June 4, 2005

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Desk Hickey

The mark on your face that is left from a desk when you fall asleep in class.

"Dude, were you sleeping in English? Because you have a huge desk hickey on your cheek!"

by ceb2010 April 24, 2010

Do hickey

Same as a thingamabob, thingy, whatchamacallit, or a hickdoey

Gimme that there do hickey.

by bOb_the Definer March 9, 2005

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