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A hippie, especially one advocating universal peace and love as antidotes to social or political ills.

by catie darby April 7, 2003

94๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hippies are basically a very hypocritical bunch.

Based on sixties culture of sex and drugs. It was a way for alot of semi attractive guys to get laid by convincing women that they were shunning the garbs that society had put on them, then getting them wasted and evevtually pregnant.

The modern day equivalent involves being insanely self absorbed and selfish, bitching about the state of the world and its environment, whilst driving vehicles that use ridiculous amounts of fuel. Then surfing the internet and watching the TV, doing nothing useful and living off benefits.

They are complete bunch of pot smoking scum that need to be eradicated from the earth, if only for their terrible tie-dyed shirts.

In short they are cunts.

-Hey man what you're saying is really heavy.

-Oh for fuck's sake shut up you fucking hippy, here have some more cannbis.

by Tmacb May 24, 2005

180๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is generally very peace-loving and easy-going; very laid back. Often smokes a lot of weed and listens to old school classic rock, reggae, or psychedelic music (a lot of jam bands, ie- phish, grateful dead, etc)

P.S. I would change the pronunciation from "hypocrits" to "hi-pee" but it won't let me.

There were so many hippies at Bonnaroo.

by jen August 11, 2003

77๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


An overgrown child who may occasionally abuse drugs and alcohol to cope with their impossible ideals in the modern world. Often they are the spawn of wealth and they choose to distance themselves from the paths of their parents in a pathetic attempt to feel "unique." Sometimes going so far as to change their names to something like Asia, Sky, Kukka, Sunray or Zennia. While this person is not a total fuck up (which would be okay because there is likely a trust fund safety net in place), this person has a tendency live life extremely carelessly. The only exception to this sense of carelessness is if they are over-angered by environmental policy, animal rights or George Bush. Which probably is just a scapegoat for how much they hate their rich parents. The resulting lifestyle may include any number of characteristics such as: mind numbing and god awful dancing along with a serious passion for meaningless jam bands that feature endless meandering guitar solos. A loss of interest in maintaining personal hygiene. A terrible lower back tattoo almost always involving a flower, fairy, butterfly or tribal nonsense. Exceptionally long hair everywhere (especially in undesirable regions of the body). Hair is often matted, ratted, oily or in unequal clumps of dreds.

Our couch smells like piss, shit and incense. Did Jazzerus sleep over last night? I'm pretty sure I saw him jump in his Audi and drive off early this morning. Jesus Christ that fucking hippie is confused.

by Jock Donny January 29, 2009

148๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž


Unbathed miscreants from the flatulent 1960s who developed modern Progressive ideology with the help of LSD and other mind altering substances. They came to believe that hallucinogenics and finger-painting gave them great insight into complex socio-economic and political issues. They originally self-identified as "free love" flower children, but would fundamentally transform themselves into communist oppressors in their old age. What was once a call to live free, became a mad dash for mandates, bans, and suffocating regulation over anything that even remotely annoyed them.

They would eventually come to barnacle themselves to already existing Civil Rights movements. Although still attempting to rebel against their parents while pushing 70 years of age, they are oblivious to the fact that they are no longer counter-culture, that they are in fact: the culture, especially in academic sewers. Perhaps being the most unwise American generation in existence, even in old age they still cannot grasp the reality that the concept of Utopia is a fantasy.

Their lack of personal hygiene is legendary. They oftentimes like to surround themselves with bottles of their own urine, or feces filled compost heaps in their own basements. It's highly likely that between their affinity for their own human waste products and their anti-technology reverence for the Kaczynski-esque ravings of Karl Marx, that they will be bring back the Black Death some time before the next turn of the Century.

That filthy hippie won't get his mouth off that bong long enough to read a book; how does he know anything about economics?

by Schnorkenschneider February 19, 2014

65๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


A movement that started in the 60's for people who sat on their asses with long hair and beards who smoked pot all day and were into peace and love

"Thats abunch of tree hugging hippie crap"
"Drugs are bad because hippies do drugs and hippies suck!"

by Kelly February 14, 2005

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A type of person beginning in the late 1960's that moved to abolish stereotypes altogether, but eventually becomming one themselves. Often looked down upon, for frivilous drug use, though that is in itself a sterotype. Hippies generally believed in peace, love, anti-war, and standing up for beliefs. Strongly consisting of the younger generation, they surprised the world with their non-conformist beliefs and not backing down. They showed the earth that some DO care, and they protested, marched, dressed, spoke, ect. to show that they stood up for their beliefs.

I am a hippie. I believe in ultimate sharing of love, peace, and the general good of environment. But I will bash your face in if you dare insult the way I think.

by Tessalily October 6, 2005

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