The practice of never deleting a file from online archive; one who practice digital hoarding must do so without guilt or fear from reprisal. They just buy more space.
Itʻs a good thing I practice digital hoarding, otherwise I would never have been able to find that document from 2006.
A valuable collection that its holder can lord over others.
I have a lord hoard of baseball cards. Not just any old collection. A lord hoard. Ha!
Noun. The bunch of food, water and stuff that doesnt go bad and paper products that you hoarded so that your ready for a shut down... oh sorry bro excuse my covid hoard... last time I went to the store I could only get 1 pack of water but I got a shit ton of cereal and chips.
Yo dont worry about my covid hoard in the side room. I dont wanna run out of cereal or water again!