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Somebody who will go on about something they think they know, but in reality they are making a very perverted joke. (normally edgy and kind of twisted)

"The cronk-ass-hoe was saying that they got some good head, but in the end he got his dick bit off but is too ashamed to admit to it."

by Cyriuh January 21, 2017

a skanky ass hoe

Slut that will do anything (for free/money) you tell her to.


by Jack September 5, 2003

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Skank assed-hoe

A general (slut) of a female , who normally has rather low self esteem / attractivess, whom gives out sexual favoures 2 feel better about themselves.They also collect STD's like pokemon cards.

'' OMFG Donna just gives out hand jobs like a hooker''
''Dont worry about it, shes only a skank assed-hoe ''

Skank assed-hoe 1 '' Hey Sharleena, guess who just caught Herpies ''
Skank assed-hoe 2 '' You BiAtch, i havnt got that 1 yet ''
Passing normal girl '' Filthy dog ''

''Dont go behind the bike sheds, the skank assed-hoes are doing their 'bizzle' .

by Aiden Bsw September 10, 2006

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Cashed Ass Hoe

A girl that is cashed. "Cashed" in the sense that stoners use it, to imply that the bowl is empty, and the person is attempting to burn the post resin. This future pro-noun applies to woman that are completely empty and or useless. In essense the paystub to an already cashed check, usually it implies to a girl that was of worth such as a once full bowl of chronic has worth to a stoner, but now has fallen down multiple slippery slopes to the point of maintaining no worth. There is no hope for these woman as one cannot become uncashed, unless she builds a time machine and prevents the intial cashing process.

Guy 1: Did that girl just get fucked by 6 dudes at the same time ?

Guy2: Yeah she used to have alot of worth when she was dating Spencer Sample, but then he broke up with her, setting forth the cashing process. Tonight those 6 neanderthals just smoked the last of the resin, that was her self esteem, the last one was about to come until he realized she was a cashed ass hoe, which lead him to refraining from climaxing, spitting on her, and then going home and cutting off his own penis.

by S.J. Sample December 8, 2010

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Fuck ass hoe

When you're so stupid and bitchy there are no names in the dictionary that can describe your stupidity or bitchiness. And you just want to use the words "fuck, ass, and hoe" to describe such idiocy and assholeness.

You's still crackin on my mama? Get a new joke, fuck ass hoe.

by musicmyst September 25, 2015

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ratchet ass hoe

Dirty female, no class, slutty, bag chaser, a female who lacks morals, homewrecker, doorknob, bag whores, dirty bitch

This ratchet ass hoe is still tryin to call my man!

Look at all these ratchet ass hoes!

by ghettoprincess562 June 7, 2015

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a skanky ass hoe

a female that goes after a man, even though he is rightfully taken by another.

that skanky ass hoe is tryin to take my man. what a skanky ass hoe!!

by Anonymous September 14, 2003

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