Device that goas vroom noom and bableach. I am lightning mcbleach races boi.
“Nice vroom mobile” car speedy bio”
A common place where hookups take place. Pretty much just sex castles on wheels.
What did you and Jen do Friday?
“Oh, just road around in my car”
A vehicle made out of metal that uses its leather wheels to move on a concrete path painted black to get to a place.
Car: ride me
Ok a random person says as he whips his dick out.
A car is go vroom vroom! Car go fast!
A car is a land vehicle that contains 4-12 pistons. Carl-benz created the first car.
When you turn on car it make loud noise
Someone who is secretly a furry
closet furry
you wouldn't think cars have any furry in or on them, but what about things like the flooring. hem
"I don't know if I'm a furry or not but, this shit's kinda hot"
" bro, please don't tell me you're a car