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You were looking for the word vague and couldn't spell it

1: That sentence is very vogue that it can mean anything at this point.
2: did you mean vague?
1: ye. lol.

by UncleRody July 18, 2021

Dont call yourself a model if you aint been in vogue

Talking about doing something without actually backing it up.
Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk

Person 1 - i have been putting in so much efforts in the gym lately.

Person 2 - “Dont call yourself a model if you aint been in vogue”

by Sanyam & natania February 24, 2024


It's used when someone, usually a female, severely violates fashion code. It's like trying to cram 20 pounds of potatoes into a five pound bag. This phrase is used for when the fashion police should be able to arrest someone for idiotic fashion judgment, like heavy women wearing spandex or booty shorts. I mean...what are they THINKING!!!???

Whoa, check out that fat chick wearing leggings! Now there's a Vogue-Don't!

by Style Cop February 18, 2014

vogue spongue

Someone who is totally absorbed in following trends that they ride a fine line of addiction and being able to create there own style .

You are a total vogue spongue..