Source Code

jerry-rig - it's not accurate The actual term is jury-rig

Jury rigging refers to makeshift repairs or temporary contrivances, made with only the tools and materials that happen to be on hand. Originally a nautical term, on sailing ships a jury rig is a replacement mast and yards improvised in case of damage or loss of the original mast. Jury-rig has been in use since 1788 but the adjectival use of "jury" in the sense of makeshift or temporary dates from at least 1616, when it appeared in John Smith's A Description of New England.

A false etymology is that "Jerry-rigged" was employed by World War II British troops to refer to the German use of scavenged parts to keep vehicles and weapons functional, from the use of "Jerry" as a pejorative term for German soldiers.

The jury-rigged (not jerry-rigged) contraption made do for now. (jerry-rig - it's not accurate The actual term is jury-rig)

by jahli October 17, 2011

44👍 27👎

Thomas Jury

Huge queer with a “perfect dick”. Tends to touch his friends inappropriately in the butt and blame it on his autistic tendencies. Insanely massive perve who was caught jerking off in friend’s bathrooms at sleepovers. Needs to stop touching himself at lax. Also has the harriest asshole known to man.

Go shower bro, ur such a Thomas Jury.

by GoldenOreo February 20, 2025


In the middle of making a decision.

They be jurying where they want to eat tonight.

by Cureo September 20, 2017

nia jury

the hottest bitch ever. everyone loves nia jury and can’t get enough of her. she’s beautiful on the inside and out and has a great heart. One of the best people you’ll ever meet. she has everything she wants, is confident and has her life set. Nia jury has beautiful ocean eyes. She loves music and sleep

Did you see nia jury? she looks amazing

Nia jury’s ass is so fat

Wow, I love nia jury’s eyes.

by ctqne fan page November 21, 2023

Jury Duty

An amazing court show featuring celebrities. Produced by Radar Entertainment

Jury Duty is the best celebrity court show

by SPrice1980 April 18, 2022

Juris moment

An action or a set of actions that one would describe as being dumbass, symptomatic of a larger misunderstanding of human nature, quirky.

Jim has a crush on Blair, but is hitting on her lesbian friend Haisley. This is what I call a Juris moment.

by SparkleQueen27 May 8, 2024


One of the best people ever, she is the biggest slay of all times, drop-dead gorgeous and doesnt believe she can pull, but she pulls the most, cutest face and kindest soul, deserves the world, KEEP HER

OMG! Jury is so slay!

We need more people like Jury!

by not banana joe January 27, 2023