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A person who resides in the Borough of Narberth, Pennsylvania who embodies the old-school character of the town.

He is such a Narb.

by narbforlife January 19, 2015

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Not Altogether Really Bright

Junior High age youth use non-sexual meanings of terms they here older (High School/College) young adults use. This is one of a couple meanings the younger crowd has for the term.

The new kid is such a NARB, he doesn't do anything right.

by BillK June 5, 2009

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narb, well this is a giant noob in World of Warcraft
many people refer to others who cannot or dont know how to play their classes, or roles

"hey i had no mana bro!"
"what a fucking NARB!"

by Matitty December 24, 2007

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to be raped, to have a sex act forced upon you

That girl was narbed last nite

by Drew February 7, 2003

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A n00b so epic that he/she deserves their own label. A n00b who thinks that they own the world and can pwn anyone, regardless of experience or time playing a game. Anyone who didnt know better would think that a n00b had 200+ IQ compared to a narb. A n00b that embarasses other players in the game and gets owned by normal n00bs.

examples are in reference to RuneScape

/ -level 80 wearing granite plate and rune platelegs- r0fl pl0x! lvl128 with a godsword? ill pwnt u!!! n00b!!!

/ > -level 13 talking to a level 115- d00d u r such a fgt! arma iz 4 kweers! my main will pwn u! hes lvl138!

> -level 115- ok fine. lets fight then. world 66. lets see what your main can do

> -level 13- w/e u fgt hes 2 g00d for u! i r Pro l33t! gf n00b

> -level 115- wow. that dude is such a narb. he wont fight me with his fake main.

by S1x Legi0ns August 21, 2009

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narb biscuit

A Narb Biscuit is someone who exhibits character qualities in his or her own personal and private life which are indicative of someone who is a complete and absolute noob. So โ€œNoobyโ€ in fact, that they have graduated from being just a noob to being a Narb Biscuit.

Johnny thinks that Fortnite is actually a good video game. What a fucking Narb Biscuit.

by Roman1991 June 21, 2018

Narb Krew

A group of (mostly) middle class kids, originated in the town of Narberth. They are pretty much a couple of pimps. all they do is roam the street all day, while getting bitches and money. it is a very multicultural krew, as it contains a poor black kid, a rich jewish kid and and a jasian (jew-asian). They all shred the gnar (skate) and friccin tweek it (skate hard). they are pretty much the bottomfeeders of the main line, trashing up the house of some rich-ass white girl from gladwyne villanova or penn valley like every weekend. They are the dominant krew at their school Welsh Valley, as the other crews all get depruded by the girls that the narbs left in the dirt after getting with every single one of them. since they are predominantly white, they are beaten on by teachers for slamming tables when black kids are in the corner hittin a joint. the narb krew entertains themselves by climbing on rooves, doing stupid shit, skating, illegaly gambling, hanging out in the comfy ass chairs in the staples, but mostly pullin bitches. Also they have chill ass talks about life and girls, like some of the thundercunts on the main line. Their official animal is buddha the dog and just like how the Jews have Jerusalem, krew's sacred land is Wawa.

Hot Girl: do you wanna hang out with the narb krew?
Other hot girl: Thats like asking of i want to have sex with a bunch of hot guys so im in

Jew crew: guys maybe if we act more like the Narb Krew we will get girls

Black kid in the corner: N**ga N**ga N**ga N**ga
Teacher: *does nothin*
Narb Krew Pimp: *gat*

Narb Krewer: Yo im bored
Other Narb Krewer: lets go fuck bitches and get money
Narb Krewer: dude but we always do that
Other Narb Krewer: it never gets old

Rite Aid: we seem to be lacking $300 worth of profit from lighters this summer
Narb Krew: *Gna Gna Gna*

Officer Porky Pete: Im gonna get you kids
Narb Krewer: *walks away*
Porky Pete: *gets stuck while trying to exit oversized squad car*

by mermaidmanandbarnacleboy February 3, 2013

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