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To me, it's a label. A stupid steriotype.
Emo's ARE NOT wrist cutters. Wrist cutters are wrist cutters.

Emo's can laugh and smile.

It's not a bad damn thing! Some of my best friends are emoish. I don't see why people like to make fun of them.


Not all emos where tight pants.

We dont go and cry every time we get made fun of. Some of us can beat your ass :

And that is my definition of emo.

If you don't like it, then screw you :

Prep: Fawking emo!
Emo: ...-Punches the prep right in the face- HA!

by Jayde~ July 11, 2008

226๐Ÿ‘ 126๐Ÿ‘Ž


Normally a 15-17 year old teenager. Considers themselves to be much more in touch with their emotions than anyone else; whereas they really just feel sorry for themselves. Most emo's will claim to be depressed, or simply misunderstood. They think they are unique, and fail to realise that they actually look like half the teenage population of south england. You can recognise an emo by looking for these general characteristics:
SKINNY JEANS (both boys and girls) The tighter the better. If an emo can hardly walk because of their jeans, then they've reached optimum emo status.
STRIPEY JUMPERS. Normally black and grey. If you're a boy, this should again be worn as tightly as possible. Breathing comfortably is a luxury you may have to sacrifice.
TATTY CONVERSE. Usually drawn on, as most emo's regard themselves as artists.
BLACK LONG HAIR COVERING ONE SIDE OF YOUR FACE. Vision can be compromsised for style as an emo. Try and make it as greasy as possible.

Finally, emo's MUST look down on everyone else, accuse them of being uncreative, judgemental, and the sole cause of their 'depression'. If you're a hardcore emo you'll cut yourself occasionnally. If you're not, then you at least have to pretend you do.

EMO: I wouldn't expect you uncreative facists to understand my art. It's a statement. I'm all alon in this world, all I have is my poetry and my paintings. I am destined to travel through the misty and cold fog of existence alone and cold. My heart has long ago turned to stone, and now your harsh words simple hit the surface. The depths of my soul can no longer be tarnished by your small minded and stereoptyped views...

by lululululucy September 16, 2006

2829๐Ÿ‘ 1776๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of kids/teens ranging from 13-their twenties (depends). Most often seen in skinny jeans, band tees, graphic tees, logo tees, ect. According to popular websites and shows emo kids are depressed low lifes who cut themselves and want to die, when in reality we/they are usually happy people who are in a music obsession and want to be unique. Though to some they all look the same there are vast diffrences. One main similarity though, is the long bangs. However the bangs are still all diffrent ranging from coppy and angular to strait across and smooth. **SCENE AND EMO ARE TOTALLY DIFFRENT! U WILL MOST LIKELY BE SMACKED IF YOU CALL A SCENE KID EMO OR AN EMO KID SCENE** **Most emos dont swear but improvise**

"emo" convo:
Emo1: **jumps on emo2's back** RAWR!
Emo2: elloz!!
Emo1: hey hun, **shows feet** i gotzded new converses!
Emo2: amazing!
**people walk by calling the emos fags and tell them to go cut themselves**
Emo2: stupid clones...
Emo1: just cause we're diffrent and don't buy the stuff from Areopostale...

this continues and ya....

by RAWRsaysAsherz March 20, 2009

67๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.Most overused word in high school.
2.Word people always feel like they have to tell you the "true" meaning of.

1. Ah they are so emo and now chad is emo and i hate emos and we should go make fun of emos and...hey watch it queer emo, oh that dumb emo just bumped into me
2.People think emo stands for emotional but really it is.......

by Rorschsch February 13, 2009

312๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž


The look a guy has when he catches his dick in his zipper.

No wonder Chet looked really emo last night, he had a zipper accident.

by benth August 22, 2008

292๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž


conformists in denial.

emo: Let's all be different by dressing, talking, and acting exatctly the same.

by idontcareok December 30, 2008

558๐Ÿ‘ 345๐Ÿ‘Ž


An abbreviation for emotive rock, a genre of music.

Some also consider it a social group/fashion like goth or prep. Actually, emo does not really exist, people who classify themselves as emos are scene/posers and people classifed as emos by others are usually normal, yet quiet people who have smaller circles of friends and like alternative music.

Poser: Nobody understands me, my past five girlfriends broke up with me so now I have to go cut myself to show I'm a nonconformist and not a poser. Then I'm going to go to hot topic and buy zebra striped skinny jeans to compliment the darkness of my personality.

So called "emo": look at that asshole over there in his skinny jeans and dyed hair. His whole life is constructed only for his image. I'm not surprised he can't keep a girlfriend for more than a month. He's so shallow, I can't believe other people think I'm like that guy.

by Oooodles October 29, 2009