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Dino Nuggies

Possibly the most unknown invention of all time. It eats chicken nuggies, it's enemy, and hides in a hidden location. The mythology says that the secret name of the place is Mcdonald's.

The DINO NUGGIES ate my Dad after he came back with the milk.

by Nuggie Dino June 12, 2022

Dino nuggies

the best fuck mothering food in the world!

dino nuggies are delicious and I want to eat them again

by cat boy supremacy March 25, 2023

puff nuggies

The white part of a dandelion when it is ready to spread it's seeds

Look at all the puff nuggies in the yard.
If you blow all the seedlings of a puff nuggie you can make a wish

by Madcat83 May 8, 2023

Chickum Nuggie

The ultimate food. People who play call of duty have a secret power and that is chickum nuggies.

"May I pay you one billion Chikum Nuggie for that VR headset???
The ultimate food. People who play call of duty have a secret power and that is chickum nuggies

by RikuTabachi January 4, 2021

dank nuggies

Any form of chicken nuggets from a fast-food restaurant.
Whether it's from McDonald's, Wendy's, or Burger King... All nuggies are dank. No matter what.

See void nuggies for ways to serve the nuggies in the dankest of ways.

"Wanna head over to McDonald's to get some dank nuggies?"
"I require only the dankest of nuggies to fulfill my never-ending hunger."

by UltraButt64 April 18, 2017

4👍 1👎



That dude is a NUGGIE BUGGIE

by SHARKKING January 21, 2022

5👍 2👎

Nuggie joe

Nuggie joe is the type of person that will eat about 40 chicken nuggets for no reason. Everyone will just wonder why they eat so many chicken nuggets

“Did you see the person ordering 40 chicken nuggets from mcdonald’s, it must be nuggie joe

by TheCoolDude101 July 6, 2021