“Can you give me one more day.” Is resembling how you don’t need to just think of the biggest steps mankind has to offer for you, just focus on the small steps, the minute things and just enjoy life. Be you, dont plan absolutely everything out. Go with the flow.
“Im not asking you for a month, a year, a decade, a millennium, or eternity, but can you give me one more day. Can you give me one more day.”
when it is good day start with a bad end
one proud day, the austeeno arived
June 26 the day to celebrate one fights birthday
Hey it’s one fight day today let’s get some birthday cosmetics on one fight!
The day you appreciate your “Day one” the friends that has been with you since the beginning and never stabbed you in the back
it’s national day one day show some appreciation to the friend that’s been there since the beginning
Someone who’s been with you since the beginning and generally supports you. (Could be from the beginning of a certain period of time or situation.)
My Mom has been with me all my life. She is my A one from day one.
John is my A one from day one. We started this job at the same time.
The international day of buying your loved one the motorcycle they desire is March 23.
It's 23 today, national buy your loved one a motorcycle day, i have to buy him that h2r he always talks about.