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The definition describes it as claiming something that belongs to someone else as one's own.

Someone wanted to share my table at a restaurant. I allowed it. After a while, they kicked me out of the table because they had a meeting. So, I got palestined

by gagrass June 10, 2024

6👍 4👎


"Palestined" (verb): The act of initiating a confrontation or dispute, only to lose the ensuing conflict and strategically framing the opposing side as the wrongdoers, thus portraying oneself as the victim.

After picking a needless argument, Tom Palestined the situation by playing the victim, portraying his opponent as the aggressor despite initiating the conflict.

by MohammadRaul December 28, 2023


When you take back something that has been Israeled from you

Someone stole my bike and Israeled it from me after he told everyone that bike was his because "If I don't steal it someone else would". I finally Palestined my own bike back

by Ipalestinedbackmyhouse February 11, 2024


when a person comitted a terrorist attack, usually against Israel

Ismail: Our terrorist units had sucessfully got into Israeli kibbutz and started commiting atrocities.
Khan: So they palestined that settlement.

Hamas members palestined Israeli men, women and children.
Gazans palestined and decapitated Israeli babies.

by Israeli 9/11 October 23, 2023

23👍 12👎


The act of creating terrorism or terrorists, and using it against its population, as well as against the population of neighboring countries.
The act of stealing money in especially large amounts allocated by various countries and international organizations.

Hamas palestined Gaza
Hamas palestined Israel
The people of Gaza palestined Hamas

Hamas palestined $13 billion dollars

by @neveroctober7 February 11, 2024


When you won’t play nice, lose all your toys and cry about it for decades instead of doing something good with all the new toys the entire world has sent you, and then decide to blow up all the toy stores so no one can have any.

“Yo, why won’t Ahmed stop starting fights when he’s lost 15 of them, he’s ruining the playground for everyone.”

I dunno bro, we all getting Palestined”

by LanadelZion December 28, 2023


Verb. To misinform or an act of misinforming someone

I Palestined the world.

The media Palestined the world on the whereabouts of their donations.

by Ham-ass January 12, 2024