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Foreign Phrase Abuse

The act of being insulted in a different language so the person can vent without the other knowing what they are saying. Commonly used in immigrant families.

French mom-"Boueux chaussures!!! Ce qu'un retarder"
French son-"Not a big deal mom. Enough Foreign Phrase Abuse on my friends"
Non-French Speaking Guest-"ummm....did I do something wrong?"

by CHALLENGE ACCEPTED March 21, 2011

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all up ons(phrase)

girls will really like and adore you

they'll be all up ons!

by pinneapple June 19, 2003

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repetitive melodic phrasing

A song that has repetitive lyrics.

Tim: What did you think of the song?
Jon: eh. I didn't like it. It had repetitive melodic phrasing

by GrosslyClever November 18, 2009

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MBA Catch Phrase Bingo

MBA Catch Phrase Bingo - A series of canned phrases, used by bosses to deflect questions and sound smarter than everyone. Done properly it’s like a magic trick that confuses the masses into thinking the boss answered the question when he didn’t.

Carl: Hey Kyle, Did Lance explain what’s going on with the layoffs during the staff meeting?

Kyle: I asked him and he wouldn’t answer it directly. He decided to play MBA catch phrase bingo with us instead.

He said, β€œAt the end of the day”, β€œright-size it” and something about β€œsquaring the circle.” No one knows what the fuck just happened in there.

by P-Biddy December 22, 2018

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(Phrase) "oh my damn!"

although the definition is said to say "oh my damn" it is often used as a special code entitled "od madam" this word usually relates to sexual activity, and utter suprise.

(Phrase) "oh my damn!" y'all know how to make a brother feel welcome

by fitzgerald November 12, 2007

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Cool over-used phrase bro

Cool over-used phrase bro is a reply to someone who says Cool story bro. Cool story bro is used by someone who spends too much time on the internet usually within the Chatroom and Forum community where its used by 11 different people in the space of 5 minutes

Loser one: Cool story bro
Person two:Cool over-used phrase bro
Person three: you fking fgt Loser One

by Alexander paycheck December 11, 2010

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this is a very long phrase that hopefully is not in any dictionary

It's in a dictionary now lol

""this is a very long phrase that hopefully is not in any dictionary"

by TotalyNotAGuyOnUrbanDictionary March 16, 2021

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