Source Code

Porch Day

Porch Day originally occurred on May 24, 2009, when Lil Stew13 of Bungie.net's off-topic forum, The Flood, posted a thread:

Headline: A dog showed up on my porch; what do I do?

Body: I can't keep it because my family has too many dogs. It is a little puppy that we think somebody dumped at our house. I've been petting it and got it some water, and we are getting it some food. What else should I do? Nobody has came looking for it yet.

The Flood quickly took a hold of this, and made dozens of parody threads. On May 24th, The Flood Forum was filled with Porch related threads. This resulted in dozens of bans, and a new Flood holiday: Porch Day.

Member of Bungie.net: Hey guys remember Porch Day?


by kyxha March 16, 2010

332๐Ÿ‘ 87๐Ÿ‘Ž

porch dick

A guy who sits on his front porch and stares creepily or generally acts like a douche to passers by. Coined by Talking Dead host Chis Hardwick after season 5 episode 13.

"Dude, stay away from the creepy neighbor. He's always eyeing me. He's such a porch dick!"

by ZeroHero76 March 9, 2015

45๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

porch monkey

someone without a job that sits on their porch all day drink'n 40's, and trading food stamps for crack.

your next door neighbor

by pickledspork July 7, 2005

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Porch Couch

A couch that is left on the porch for lounging/weed smoking. Usually occurs when a couch doesnt fit through your front door, so you just leave it on the porch.

Its mad hot in here...lets go chill on Porch Couch.

by LastCupHero July 9, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Porch Panda

Someone who is half Asian, half black.

From porch monkey and panda

"That lazy porch panda, Li Hong Shabazz, just hangs around the projects playing his damn violin!"

by Swamp Ninja August 23, 2004

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Rusty Porch

When you infiltrate a girls anus after she's had an episode of explosive diarrhea and pull out and rub your member all over her as if you were staining the wood on your porch.

Dude 1:"Did you hook up with Courtney last night?"
Dude 2: "Yeah dude it was pretty messy, I even gave her a rusty porch"

by ReubenOnRye November 8, 2015

Porch Greaser

When beaner is cleaning a rich white mans yard.

Damn that stupid beaner is a real porch greaser

Hablo ingles you porch greaser?!?!?!

"Did you see Jeff's yard the other day?" "Yeah it looks amazing, must be the new porch greaser he bought"

"Damn is that the new kind of porch greaser? Its darker than I expected it to be"

by Aliendoodoo April 26, 2023