A shitty human of male persuasion that is always on sneaky shady behavior that has no issue getting mad and telling others business or even making things up to better shit his own position in events he lies often to get what he wants and keep what he calls his.
A dude is hanging with a homie while secretly plotting on banging his old lady whom is a ratchet hoe from his past thinking he is clever and his friendship will cover intentions if confronted by his wife and if not he can blame it on homie....think again ratty fuckboy....
Ratty a person who is snitching on someone who has done somthing bad
Don't be a ratty bastard
To have a good shot in basketball, It always goes in
That girl Kadie has that ratty ball for the Northwood Chargers
Means you can't dance for nothing, you move like a rat
That girl looks like she is a ratty-dancer!
Ratty patty- used most commonly to call someone who is funny or loud.
omg that was so funny your such a ratty patty
Ratty is the nickname given to Matty Healy (of The 1975) by his fans. This is because he resembles the looks and living situations of a rat.
My favourite member of The 1975 is Ratty.
Ratty can be a noun or adjective. If someone is acting like a rat, they are ratty, if someone always acts like a rat, they could be called ratty. Can also be referred to as spaz.
"That test was so ratty"
"Hey, ratty, are you coming tonight"