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Not to be confused with white trash and hillbillies.
enjoy hunting, fishing, camping and other recreation.
are hard working people who do the jobs nobody wants to do.
do not have sex with blood relatives. -hillbillies.
do not all live in trailers or shacks.
do not decorate our front lawns with garbage and broken toilets -white trash.
are racist against douche bags who look down at us because we wear hunting clothes as casual clothing, and proudly drive our gas guzzling american cars.
are not to be fucked with.
enjoy drinking beer, not that pussy ass light beer shit that is just piss water. Only fags and women drink it!
hate going to mechanics plumbers electricians and contractors, since we know how to do that stuff ourselves for half the price.
hate new technology such as smart phones and ipads. Only fags buy it to attract other fags and act smug about it.
throw mc donalds shakes at the front windshields of retards who text and drive.
don't all drive our old pick up trucks and pre 1990's era american cars because we can't afford new ones. Most of us still drive them because we actually know how to fix them and don't want to spend over $40,000 on a new piece of shit that's mostly made of plastic and beer can material which was probably shipped here from japan, china, and mexico to be assembled here so they can rust away and fall apart in 3 years. So shut the fuck up with your 5 star crash test rating and "sleek styling.

dick: "Why don't you go home and have sex with your grandmasistermothercousinaunt you stupid redneck."
redneck: "Fuck you, those are hillbillies you jackass."
dick: ":8"

faggot: "Why are you still driving that old tank? Are you poor or something?"
redneck: "No."
faggot: "You should buy a toyota prius. It is eco friendly and made in america."
redneck: "That car is a total gay magnet, and there is ABSOLUTELY nothing american about that piece of shit. It's shaped like it could be some sort of anal sex toy and if you bring that thing on my property again, I will squash it like a bug with my 78 chevy. You will catch me with a dick in my mouth before you catch me driving that. REDNECK 4 LIFE!

by A WHITE GUY August 20, 2013

59๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Used as a disparaging term for a member of the white rural laboring class, especially in the southern United States.
2. A white person regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted attitude.

synonym: cracker

Look at that redneck driving his rust-covered truck.

by illEATurHARTout March 11, 2004

63๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Comes from coal miners from West Virginia and Kentucky towns that were sick of the way they were being treated and converged on one town that required unions. They were called "rednecks" because most people participating in the march tied a red bandanna around their neck to signify their cause, much like wearing the pink ribbon and yellow bracelet for cancer.

I'm gonna walk with that redneck over there, he has the right idea. Down with the coal barons!!!

by ZZZaK July 22, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually from Southern States. Mostly joked about. True meaning would probably be like the earlier days before everything became so revolutionized. I probably have the most redneckess family of you all. But I try to hide it in public. Ahh, it just hit me... A buncha coonasses

dem dere rednecks done took over south louweeseana. Now dem dere rich folks cain't live in peace. Dem dang good for nuttin rednecks!

by Insane February 2, 2004

62๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


Most of the definitions for "redneck" are written by culturally illiterate morons so I will clarify.

A redneck is a hardworking country person from the south. We are known for our hospitality. We like guns, hunting, fishing, and we are most often Christians. We are proud of both our American and Southern heritage. We are only as racist and prejudice as everyone else is to us. We are generally more accepting of outsiders than the outsiders are of us. We settle our fights like men and raise our kids not to be sensitive little wussies. We have the characteristic Good Ol Boys attitude, and despite the lies of heathen Yankees, we have deep respect for the law and our elders. Rednecks say "yes sir" and "no ma'am" an have better manners than rich city folks.

I heard them Arkansas rednecks are some of the nicest people you ever met. My car broke down and they fixed it for me for free.

by Enstagriffin March 4, 2015

21๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. (Rhed-nek-cs)
A person who defies the common English language with slang that makes 'ghetto black men and women' sound like something Harvard would crap out. An obsession with NASCAR and deer hunting, some southern people think it's "cool" to be a redneck, so they wear Dixie Outfitter and other bizarrely imbecillic things. The favorite combination is the dixie flag shirt and belt buckle, leather boots, jeans, and a flannel shirt or a cowboy hat.

I live with these wannabes. Their IQ rivals the numerical scale on such a large factor, California's earthquakes pray at night they can be as big. It's become a challenge to the english language to fathom their conversation techniques. They consist of three subjects:
1) Things that rhyme with beer
2) Cars without AC or radio
3) Blacks, mexicans, and educated peoples.

While they do defy all human logic on a galactic scale (Which they might think of as a fancy breakfast cereal), they deserve pity.

"Yous an idgit, you durn wetback!"
Myself: "I'm clearly white. Also, my accent cues my british decent"
"Deer! Beer! Fear!... Treer"
Myself: "You just rhymed Fear with Tree"
"Yous and yer fancy 'edjukayshin'"
Myself: "I'm sorry, that last sentance destroyed the remnants of my brain cells. Could you have someone translate from dumbass to understandable, for you sir are clearly fitted under the category of rednecks"

by Master-Penguin March 2, 2006

331๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž


What most people call a Redneck , he aint nothin but a workin man , he makes his livin by the sweat of his brow and the calluses on his hands , you intellectuals may not like it , but there aint nothin you can do , cause theres a whole lot more of us common folks than there ever will be of you

"What this world needs is a few more rednecks" by Charlie Daniels

by Texas Boy July 18, 2006

63๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž