in short words how u seen/judged by other people and what they will think of you
e.g my mum doesn’t want me to get piercings because of her family amd she cares about her reputation
e.g she can’t fail her gcses because she cares about her reputation
The free spirit/non-reputation is still a reputation. The person still has to keep up their counter-reputation, otherwise people will find out what they really do when nobody is looking.
Someone claiming to be a free spirit isn't really someone that doesn't care what anybody thinks of him/her, it is somebody desperate to convince people that he/she doesn't care what anybody thinks, and the same applies to any image someone goes for (including the telling everyone else to be themself image even if they already are themselves). As long as the person has to convince other people they don't care what anyone thinks of them, they have a reputation of some sort to protect, no matter what they tell you to the contrary.
Either everyone has a reputation or no one does.
A reputation is not something just one kind of person has. It either applies to everyone or it applies to no one.
The best people. They have trust issues, snakes, and are badass.
Based off taylor swifts 6th studio album
I love reputation girlies
A highly anticipated rerecord that will never release at this point.
Seriously when will we stop clowning.
Person: Hey, when will Reputation (Taylor's Version) release?
Taylor Swift: lol no
Reputation Armor is an award in the game Last Chaos. Reputation armor may only be worn by characters who have participated in the Guardian system. After a character has earnedand boots for their class. After they have earned 100 Reputation Points they may purchase and wear the Guardian shirt, pants, and helm for their class. The reputation armor is about as strong as the level 20-22 armor set for your class.
If a player wants to show their reputation armor they can use 50 Reputation Points and sport a pair of the Guardian gloves
To gain reputation really fast in something and to do it to make other people jealous or like you.
James "Hey man look at those fine ladies"
Tom "Oh i see um"
James "You want to reputize for um"
Tom "Yea lets do it"