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1. Word used to describe someone who is stupid and NOT someone who suffers from a mental disability. You can use it to describe a person who has a fully formed brain, but keeps fucking up.
2. Only an ignorant jackass would call someone who is mentally handicapped a retard.
3. Only a retard (see above) would be upset simply by the use of the word retard.

Sarah Palin is a retard; her son Trig is not.

by Get_It_Straight December 10, 2010

134πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


I don’t really know too much but everyone calls me this so it probably means someone who is responsible, empathetic, totally amazing, uhh, I don’t fucking know any words that start with R and D, oh wait! Responsible and Dildo!

Dictionary man is a fucking retard!

by DictionaryMan76 July 8, 2023


2 or more stupid people having intercourse

That was some serious retardication when Keanu Reeves was doing Paula Abdul back in the 80s.

by Da Man with a Plan November 16, 2007


The person that is always in the corner of shame

HAHA that retard is in the corner of shame again!

by Purewaterdrinking July 20, 2018

33πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


the process of becoming retarded, usually happens when entering the asshole stage of life

scientist: yes at his age he goes through the process of retardization

by mattster July 17, 2005

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Somebody who isn't YOU.

"You see that dude over there? He graduated from harvard with a PHDTV in quantum physiology or something but he's still a retard because he doesn't have as much girls as I do."

by The_Advocate March 23, 2005

2432πŸ‘ 1688πŸ‘Ž


The non-politically correct way to refer to an intellectually disabled person.

David was acting so retarded yesterday!

by ThatInternetDweller October 4, 2016

143πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž