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Search Fatigue

When you're looking for a video you've seen, or friend told you about, or report you know you've read that has the facts to support your Youtube comment, but, despite the power of Google, you tire and give up.

I wanted to find the video you told me about but after five minutes I surrendered to search fatigue and went back to watching cat videos/porn.

by bean, trivia queen May 10, 2015

Search & Jerk

Anytime an individual is searching the internet for any form of porn while masturbating in between videos to keep the feeling of euphoria alive.

Mitch: Hey Jasmine have you ever done a search & Jerk?

Jasmine: Search & Jerk?!

Mitch: Yeah!! It's when you're looking at porn and jerking it between videos!

Jasmine: OMG totally! I did it all day yesterday!

by Zexy Ambassador September 14, 2012

Binge Search

To become so interested in a subject that you search the internet for any information about it. i.e. google, youtube, wikipedia etc

"After seeing the new Dark Knight Rises trailer, I went home and binge searched Bane and Tom Hardy for two hours!"

by Brick Bronson December 19, 2011

Sweet Search

When one has a serious craving for candy or other junk food, and starts searching their home frantically to find some. Usually, this occurs because one knows they have no sweets, but is desperately trying to find something to satisfy their craving. It usually involves looking through cabinets multiple times, and even contemplating eating fruit.

Guy #1: Why is Bill so mad?

Guy #2: He just went on a huge sweet search, but he found nothing. I think he reverted to eating fruit.

Guy #1: Good Heavens!!!

by Dennis Grass Theft April 23, 2011

Kiwi Searches

Kiwi Searches (kiwisearches.com) is a cool website that lets people find out the truth about other people, phone numbers, and places. All you have to do is punch in a name, number, or address to get a full report about whatever you searched, including contact information, photos, social media profiles, criminal records, etc.

Friend 1: Dude, I think the girl I've been talking to from Tinder is catfishing me...
Friend 2: Kiwi Search her name or number.

Mom: I wish I could find Margaret's phone number so I could invite her to bingo at the country club Wednesday night.
Daughter: Look her up on that person search website, Kiwi Searches!

by goldmaze October 11, 2017

stop and search

method used by the metropolitan police, among others, to intimidate and alienate most black people in their communities. People are stopped at random and have their clothing searched, in public, in the most humiliating way possible, usually accompanied by a large amount of sarcasm and unecessary physical force.

Is based on the incorrect assumption that most black people in inner city london are criminals.

The police stop 8 times more black people than they do whites.

Only a tiny number of searches result in the detection of any criminal behaviour or intent.

is another form of police brutality and more proof of the disgraceful state of aso-called public service in this country.

"look sarge, there's a nigger, and what's worse he's got a white woman on his arm.

"ok son you know what to do. Stop and search him, and be sure to plant some drugs in his pocket while you're at it"

by Ben Dover of the Yard April 17, 2004

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Career Search

2006/n/Car-eer Sea-r-ch

A senior English research project (also known as a Senior Disseration or Senior Thesis) designed to drive the said Graduating class to the brink of insanity. The process of the Career Search revolves around the chosen career you are going into or are planning on going into once you graduate from your alma mater.

The process is very frustating and very confusing to an extent; it consists of an introduction, review of literature you find on your topic (usually five internet and print sources are required); a 'shadowing' experience (when you go off to a distant place, miss a day of important classtime, and possibly not even <i>find</i> anything on your topic), and an interviews section, along with a Works Cited (Bibliography) page. The researching portion for your Review of the Literature usually consists of a grueling six weeks (or two thirds of a nine-weeks) period, in which one will search desperately through several Department of Labor study books and useless webrings to try and find information on your career, only to come up empty handed.

Once your Research of literature and whatnot is completed, you move on to do your 'Shadowing' experience, and your interviews. Your 'Shadowing' consists of a seven-eight hour experience where you pick someone in your chosen profession and literally follow them around all day (hence the term Shadowing). You're meant to try and learn something from this experience, however, such is not always the case, especially when you're set up to shadow someone in your career that doesn't even want you following them around. Interviews are simply periods when you sit down with a person, call them on the phone, or e-mail them to ask them questions; four of these types of Human Sources are required for your paper, but typically you may end up drawing duds on some of them and end up with two or three.

All in all, the process takes up to twelve weeks of time, usually beginning in the second quarter of your first semester and wrapping up just in time for the pressure of your midterm examinations to swoop down upon you like a rabid beast and feast on your now dead, festering soul.

"Man, this research paper is from the Eigth Concentric Circle..."
"They don't call it a Career Search for nothin', man."

"This Career Sh*t is getting on my nerves..."

"The bibliography is due for our Career Search tomorrow!"

by Ishmael001 November 9, 2006

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