Source Code


Shiz is the word used instead of shit when someone doesn't wanna swear.

But there's another definition which makes way more sense.

So shiz is when you shit and jizz at the same time.

So you're on the toilet jacking off, and u feel the need to shit, so you're shitting and at the same time while you're shitting u get an orgasm and jizz. so that's what's called shizzing.

Guy 1: Bro omg yesterday I was shizzing for the first time, It felt so fucking damn good
Guy 2: wtf is shizzing?
Guy 1: What you seriously don't know? It's when you shit and jizz at the same time.
Guy 2: Is that even possible wtf?
Guy 1: yeah duhhh it feels sooo good

by thottyS January 26, 2019


Shiz is a substitute word for S. H. I. T.

Girl : going to get some chips
Corner : Hue hue hue I dOnT tHiNk So
Girl : ( hits toe on corner ) Shiz!!

by PastelHariot November 11, 2020


Not a word. Used by people who are basic beyond belief

β€œLove island is the SHIZ.”
β€œSHIZ is not a word. You are basic”

by Crobinder July 21, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


when you need to say shit but cant


by silver fang July 10, 2008

29πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


To be in such a stage of fright that one experiences a bowel movement and ejaculation.

Joe was so terrified and surprised when Charles jumped out and scared him he shizzed.

by C4PO July 8, 2010

24πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Shiz is a combination of sperm and feces that is produced by a human. One will preform the act of shizing if he/she wants to obtain the highest level of satisfaction.

Chris walked up to a apartment building covered in shiz. He looked down at the street and admired the dense shiz that was surrounding his feet. As he opened the door to the apartment building, he saw a figure off into the distance that nearly made him ejaculate in his pants. Maya was standing before him covered in shiz. They immediately started to have rough intercourse until chris shized on Maya's face.

by shizmaster5000 March 24, 2011

20πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


1. Sure or For Sure, most likely derived from "Fo' Shiz" or "Fo' Shizzle"
2. Shit. Most likely derived from "Shizzit."

Marisa: Hey, are you going to Battle of the Bands?
Alison: Shiz man.

"What a piece of shiz!"

by Alison May 15, 2005

16πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž