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ball slappin'

cool,awesome,or something fun.

1.Yo, that party was so ball slappin'.

2. Yesterday was such a ball slappin' day.

by C-Dawg5693 September 19, 2009

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olay slappin'

When someone says something bad about you, your hommies or family members or says something that is really stupid. To save face, maintain peace, garner respect, or want to make a point, you give that person at olay slap or multiple olay slaps. Unlike the typical bitch slap which is a horizontal slap across the face, the olay slap starts with the backhand slap across the face and then ends with the hand in the verticle position.

(yo, hey, what up) (hommie, esse, bradah) your dis-respecting my (hommie, cous, bro, familia, my chick, my ride)and I am gonna give you an olay slappin' if you keep it up!

by Inuit July 15, 2006

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momma slappin

A term used to describe something so wonderfull that it would be worth any sort of heinous action.

Dude1:"God amighty man,he sold me that Sig Sauer for a mere 300 beans."

Dude2:"Sheeit,that's a MOMMA SLAPPIN deal if I ever heard a one!"

by CrowTard March 11, 2006

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slappin' the bag

Awkwardly chugging beer out of an indian sachel in Applebee's the restaurant, while simultaneously slapping it like a naughty baby's bottom.

Waitress: "Excuse me sir, what are you doing?"

Man: "I'm slappin' the bag, would you like to be slappin' the bag?"

by Damascus May 28, 2008

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Slappin' Ass

Male homosexual sex, the "doggie" style

I was Slappin'Ass the other night!

by AprilMichelle November 9, 2003

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Slappin' it Up

Smacking a female with your penis after you have already ejaculated

Hey, I was slappin' it up and then wrappin' it up!

by Ashlee Nicole January 4, 2007

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slappin' fannies

Having sex, making love, doing the deed, bumping uglies, etc

We were slappin' fannies and his mom walked in...I almost died.

by KTS KAR October 2, 2009

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