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The most degenerate, disgusting, stinks to flood America and make it look like a Central American slum and basically strip America of its identity

Tourist: Why are there so many of them here? I don’t even feel like I’m in America

Smart American: because they’re degenerate scums who we call ‘spic

by Critical Thinker December 5, 2020

7👍 13👎


as in 'Spic and Spam', a modern reinterpetation, it is used to describe something pleasing or positive

"Thats pretty damn spic"

"That was spic as"

by posba September 3, 2009

20👍 79👎


Basically the hispanic version of the hard R (n***er)

Wow bro. You’re a fucking spic, go mow my lawn
(“Wow bro. You’re a fucking n***er. Go pick cotton”)


by Hispanic dave April 1, 2019

2👍 2👎


Spanish inconsiderate cunt. A slur term for Spanish speaking person who lacks respect for anyone.

That Spic just cut me up

by Slangalang February 25, 2022


Stupid People In Charge
Stupid Person In Charge

Usually used in the gaming community like WoW when you are losing a Battleground and someone is crying about not capping flags while their ilvl is really low.

"We are losing because we have too many spics in this game."

by TheZenG January 28, 2022

1👍 2👎


Spic (Spiggoty or Spick) a offensive (slur) term used towards a person who’s from Central America, South American, and the Caribbean.

Person A: Sorrie I dont Spikka da English I just came frrome El Salvador.

Person B: You Spic, speak English this is America or Go back were you came from! Spic

by I speak facts, stay mad August 28, 2022

2👍 2👎


Derogatory term for a native decsendant. Racial stereotype.

If he is Mexican then he is a dirty spic.

by XsilverBulletX November 9, 2018

2👍 2👎